Network visualization of Ryan Hoover on Twitter

Luca Hammer
3 min readMar 9, 2017

After seeing the header image, I thought Ryan did a network visualisation of his Twitter network. But instead he had someone go through everyone of the accounts he follows to find out how diverse his network is. Great approach.

After visualizing all verified Twitter users and everyone I ever interacted with on Twitter, I thought it was a fun exercise to visualize the network of Ryan Hoover.

1667 accounts connected through 77 682 follow relationships.

Explore the interactive version of Ryans network yourself

8MB, works best on a desktop:

One big ball

As expected the network is strongly connected in itself. I don’t see any groups but one big ball. While the modularity algorithm (0.186, colors) found groups they don’t mean too much because of how strongly they are interconnected.

The center

The biggest names of the startup world are the biggest nodes in Ryans network. Size is calculated by the incoming connections. @elonmusk has 577 incoming connections. Followed by Marc Andreessen with 546, Chris Dixon 501, Fred Wilson 500 and @paulg 477.

Top left in blue

I have some feeling for the startup landscape but without some research into each area of the network, I won’t be able to put names on them. These accounts look like tech journalists to me. But I am sure there are many readers who can add some comments what they discovered in each of the screenshots.

Bottome left, the pink mix

I see several investors and incubators. Entrepreneurs as well, but they are scattered all over the place of the other areas as well.

Bottom left, yellow like a banana

Entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs. Most of them seem to be of equal size. Could be a sign that there are less central accounts which everyone follows.

Top left green leaf

Is this the design corner? At least I see several designers and people who work for other people. Employees?

Did you learn something from this?



Luca Hammer

Grew up in the Alps. Father. Working with data and words. Please 👏 and share the article if you enjoyed it.