Unblock all blocked Twitter accounts at once

Luca Hammer
3 min readAug 9, 2018

If you have blocked hundreds of accounts, unblocking them one by one takes a lot of time. But there is a quick and easy way to unblock them all at once. You don’t need to give any app write permissions to your account for it to work.

Short version:
Got to the blocked accounts setting page, scroll to the bottom and run
in the browser console.

Long version:

1. Go to the settings

On this page you see all accounts your are blocking at the moment:

2. Open the Developer Tools

Quickest way: Press F12 on Windows/Linux or Command+Option+I on MacOS. Tested on Chrome and Firefox.
You can go through the menu as well. Firefox: Extras -> Web Developers. Chrome: Other Tools -> Developer Tools.

You should now see a new area in your browser. Either on the right side or on the bottom of the window.



Luca Hammer

Grew up in the Alps. Father. Working with data and words. Please 👏 and share the article if you enjoyed it.