Luca G
2 min readJul 30, 2015
What’s going on when an article is written?

Medium delivers some powerful tools to make the most simple articles look great. Here is a “Behind the scenes” look of how I write mine.

It all starts with I D E A S. There are days where I can come up with something in a matter of seconds and days where I can’t think of a single thing. Whenever i get an idea, I write it down. I have a notebook for Medium only. When I don’t have it with me, I use Evernote on my phone.

When I have time, I sit down, grab my notebook and S T O R Y B O A R D.
I write down the different parts of the article and note which P H O T O S I need to take. I grab my phone (Yep, no DSLR here), take those photos and then I E D I T them.

After that I start T Y P I N G. I follow the notes and instructions I wrote down in my notebook. After a while I paste the images and review it one last time. It usually takes a few tries to get the article I want.

When I’ve done that, all there’s left, is pressing the P U B L I S H button and sharing the article on Google +.

I would like to ask you for a small favor. I’ve made a form to find out what people like and what they don’t like. I would appreciate it if you’d fill it in, it helps me improve my style.

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