Road Map “Lucem Project”

Ordo Suvon
1 min readJun 11, 2019


Road Map {

Smart-Contract new compilator;
Smart-Contract CCOH/ETH beta;
Visa/Master Card platform test;

Voting platform+contract test start;
Voting dapp test start;
Industry wide adoption legal;
Beta-test Fund site;
Bounty+ Airdrops;
Pre-Token (Pre-Token 2 only hardGoal before EndTime);
Bounty paid every 2 weeks;

Voiting dapp;
Voting platform+contract;
Dev. beta-wallet;
First audit of project;
Connect to UNiCEF projects;
Integrate WEB3 to fund’s site;

First voting;
First children’s project (or before);
Beta-wallet test start;
Ethereum node start;
Beta-Test of new [***] standard* start
(only for humans);
Dev. learning dapp;


Lucem Project ™

