Launches Using Chainlink VRF to Create Provably Random Lucha Libre Wrestler NFTs
4 min readMay 17, 2021


Today, we are super excited to launch alongside the use of Chainlink VRF to create NFT collectables that are truly randomly generated at the time of purchase, with 100% of the art and metadata stored on the Ethereum blockchain. With a limited supply of only 10,000, yet featuring millions of possible rare attributes and colour combinations, you won’t want to miss adding your very own unique Luchador to your NFT collection, providing you with a provably rare 24x24 SVG image that scales to any size.

The NFT world has opened up innovative ways to combine art and technology to build tight-knit global communities where participants can trade and share art with one another. Unfortunately, the recent hype has seen a surge in projects relying on pre-generated art with its metadata stored on web servers that could one day go offline or replace the original image with a rug… but not our Luchadores! stands apart from the rest as the first of its kind by having the actual NFT art stored on the blockchain and all the NFT’s attributes assigned in a verifiably random manner using Chainlink VRF — a secure and verifiable random number generator purpose-built for smart contracts. Until Chainlink VRF came along, there was no way to generate random numbers on the Ethereum blockchain without risk of manipulation from either blockchain miners or opaque off-chain data providers. Now, users can rest assured that the integrity of each and every Luchador is guaranteed to be random thanks to Chainlink VRF.

Chainlink VRF enables smart contracts to access randomness on-chain without compromising on security, usability, or transparency. On a technical level, Chainlink VRF works by combining block data that is still unknown when the VRF request is initiated with the oracle node’s pre-committed private key to generate both a random number and a cryptographic proof. The smart contract will only accept the random number input if it has valid cryptographic proof, and a valid cryptographic proof can only be generated if the VRF process is tamper-proof. This provides users with automated and verifiable assurances directly on-chain that each Luchador NFT generated using Chainlink VRF is provably random and cannot be tampered with by the oracle, outside entities, or the Lunchadores developers.

How much does it cost?

The fee for generating a random number with Chainlink VRF is paid in LINK. This is why we have tied the ETH price of a Luchador NFT directly to the value of the fee in LINK, to ensure our prices are fair and everyone can get in on the action.

How does it work?

When a Luchador NFT is purchased with ETH using MetaMask, our smart contract uses the Uniswap V2 Router to convert the user’s ETH to the required fee to consume VRF in LINK. Next, we request a random number from Chainlink VRF using the user’s LINK and mint a new Luchador NFT. Before you can tell your friends you’ve found the next big thing, Chainlink will call back our smart contract with a random number, and that number is assigned to your Luchador NFT — *Queue confetti explosion and reveal of your unique Luchador NFT*

Inside the Luchador smart contract, we have a function that takes a token ID and compiles all of the art and metadata based on the random number associated with it. Then a JSON string of the metadata is returned and ready to be consumed by any application. This means you never have to worry about losing your NFT art or metadata, as your Luchador will always exist on the blockchain as long as Ethereum exists.

Where can I trade Luchador NFTs?

Given the popularity of the OpenSea marketplace, we have made our Luchador NFTs compatible with OpenSea metadata standards and have scheduled background magic that will look for newly minted Luchadores and upload an exact copy of their on-chain metadata to IPFS. This metadata will be accessible to the OpenSea marketplace through our smart contract’s token URI function.

So what are you waiting for? Generate your own Luchador NFT today by visiting our website or browse the gallery for a free dose of FOMO. Only 10,000 Luchadores can ever exist, so don’t miss out on creating truly random NFTs with Chainlink VRF and 100% on-chain art and metadata!

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Twitter: @LuchadoresNFT

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Join the masked mayhem in our 100% onchain autobattler, powered by Chainlink VRF! Building LuchaChain with OP stack & Base