A Group Tracking local news developments in North CarolinaJust joined this group that provides updates on local news media developments in North Carolina. Very interesting, substantial content.Aug 20, 2019Aug 20, 2019
More evidence that Amazon is just another version of an online evil empireRecent revelations that Amazon monitors social media interactions to screen out reviewers of books has caused a stir in the online…Jul 10, 2015Jul 10, 2015
Television’s Exuberant Defender of WildlifeIf you haven’t seen the great British naturalist David Attenborough, you’re in for a treat, and an education. PBS, which has carried…Mar 25, 2015Mar 25, 2015
The Vietnam War- Forty Years LaterApril 30th will mark the 40th anniversary of the end of the war in Vietnam. Those who keep track of such things note U.S. involvement in…Mar 23, 20151Mar 23, 20151