Janin Lyndovsky
May 10, 2024


That's such a wonderful story, a beautiful relationship you build with the boy in Africa. And perfect example of changing the world by improving the lives of others, one person at a time.
Sometimes, I wondered myself if I should do something like that and sponsor a child in a developing country. But then I face a moral dilemma - “And what about the neglected and unwanted children in my own country. What about the children born into poverty here?”. So, I end up trying to do something nice for the children around me. I know I can't give them education; it's much too expensive here, but maybe, at least, I can give them some hope, hope that there is good in the world…

But then, building relationships with others the way you did is beautiful, too…



Janin Lyndovsky

Life-stories of elders taught me more than any school or university. Now I hope through sharing my stories I can inspire others to chase & live their dreams