The best way to learn a programming Language.

Alexandre Ismaël ludens
4 min readJan 18, 2023
Learning programming language.

I am a software engineer and I say — the best way to learn a programming language is to learn it by yourself. The learning process of programming languages should be started from the beginner level to the intermediate level and then finally the advanced level.

Nowadays, you can start learning for free on the web. There are many platforms such as FreeCodeCamp that are offering free verified certifications in many languages.

In this article, I will share my own process of learning programming, and I will give you some pieces of advice that will help you go through your coding journey. So, let’s get started:

1. First thing first you have to love programming and understanding Programming concepts:

For those who are a newbie to the world of programming, this tip is the first thing you need to decide on to get comfortable with the process of programming. You need to take it as a game and spending your time on it, until it turns into a habit. All programming languages share some concepts and similarities, you should understand first those basic universal concepts like; the concept of a variable, loop, some crucial ones like data types, if-else statements, functions…. If you are willing or expecting to learn how to code, you must at least take this first step and start understanding those concepts before you start building something.

2. Being aware of what you want to build, and which programming language is more adapt for it:

You need to know what you want to do with the programming languages you start to learn, how it will help you achieve your expectations and to Know whether the language that you are going to use is well adapt to what you’re pursuing. In a certain way, you may not know what you’re certainly going to do with it, but you can make a quick google search about which languages is in demand on the market, what to do with it, and what other alternatives are available to you. As a tip, you may choose the one that offers you the most advantages. According to me you should choose based on these criteria.

  1. Whether it is a powerful programming language, and the benefits you can obtain from it.
  2. Depending on the community, the amount of people that are using it, in case you encounter problems that can easily help you find the solutions. To also find documented errors providing by other people having the same issues.
  3. It has to be a programming language that is always in a constant state of updating.
  4. That is easy to learn with and well documented.
  5. According to the necessary prerequisites or key concept, as well as the time necessary for the assimilation of these concepts.

3. Start Learning the basics:

After executing the two previous steps, you’re ready to start learning the basics of the language like the Syntaxes, how to declare the variables, also the Outputs of the variables as well as the messages that they’re generate. You will also need to learn how to handle the errors, the functions and all his basics. Then you can start by making exercises many times as you want, that will help you to get familiar with the syntaxes of the programming language. Let’s say for example your “Hello word” program for short!

Once you become comfortable with the language, you may start building some simple applications but that are based on your previous knowledge acquired, do many as you want.

4. Learn the main concepts about the programming language:

Learn the gist about the language even if it is difficult at the beginning, Practice makes improvement. Read the documentations about the concepts of the language, if it is still unclear for you, you can watch tutorials many as you want but not too much, because we don’t want to get stuck in the tutorials loop. Search about useful articles and then note everything that’s seem necessary to you about these concepts. Just to understand them well, do concrete exercises about the concepts that you’re trying to learn (learn them one at the time, not all together) until you get it all. Even if you do not get it in a short time, keep practicing and level up, great things take time.

And then try building more challenging project that contains more logical and that take time to achieve. That will make big difference, because it will be in your benefit at the end.

5.Choose your RoadMap:

As we said before, start programming or coding is depends on you, whether you have the will to get through the process of learning it. Be at ease and do it your way, if encounter errors, it is normal, maybe your mind is tired. Take a step back and do other stuffs, meditate on the issues, you will eventually find the answer.

Most of the time not knowing the fundamentals is the reason why developers get errors.


That’s all what we have for this article, hope this short article won your admiration and thank you for your time!



Alexandre Ismaël ludens

I'm a young software engineer. Currently learning JavaScript (React JS & Native), Talk to me about coding.