Hello World!

3 min readAug 5, 2022


LazyFi was built around the central philosophy of learning through play. It is an undeniable fact that we learn the most when we play, on the school yard ground our fondest memories are running around with our friends without a care in the world. We love to play, it is in the very nature and essence of our lives as humans, but once we leave school the play slowly dissipates and we lose the original child-like spell we were under.

Challenging Perceptions

LazyFi is all about breaking that perception and reclaiming learning through play one step at a time. The first step is creating tools to measure comprehension in a fun and intuitive way.

The great thing about microgames is that they come in all shapes and sizes and can be anything from the Chrome Dinosaur that pops up whenever the internet goes down, to the games developed by Google when they release a new “Google Doodle” to celebrate a historical figure or date. Micro Games are often simple, addictive and super engaging for short periods of time. Does anyone remember “Flappy Birds”? That’s exactly what we mean.

Micro Games are everywhere, mainly thanks to smartphones and their app stores but importantly the development of Micro Games has become cheaper as the technology has evolved which means that widespread gamification is slowly becoming more viable.

Why are we talking about Micro Games? Well imagine you found a way to solve a huge problem for companies, brands and marketing / communication teams by deploying Micro Games. That sounds pretty interesting right?

Marketing challenges faced by companies

One of the regular challenges faced by most companies relates to messaging and engagement. It’s not enough to spend a fortune on marketing for a new product and rake in the opens, clicks, likes and retweets especially if your customers don’t understand your messages. Microgames are great because they are a fun and non-intrusive form of advertising.

Historically the best way to test comprehension, engagement and sentiment was to organise a customer focus group and if you couldn’t afford that then possibly a survey or Q&A sessions in your social channels or at events.

LazyFi has found a better, more affordable and fun way (can you see where this is going?)

Enter LazyFi

LazyFi is a Play to Learn start up on the NEAR chain and we are focused on deploying the first customisable microgame platform for comprehension testing and engagement. Our games will all have natural break points where users need a clue, run out of time, run out of lives or just want to cheat and that’s where the value exchange begins.

LazyFi customers can customise the games by adding brand elements and introducing a series of multiple-choice questions relating to their brand, products, services or recent messaging. When a user needs a boost all they have to do is answer a simple question and then they can keep playing. For the clients running the campaigns, they can tap into a rich vein of customer analytics that were previously too costly or difficult to collect. For their users, they get to enjoy fun, addictive branded games that in many cases also offer rewards.

We think this is a win-win for companies and their customers or communities.

LazyFi will operate undera fairly well understood SAAS style subscription service which will give clients the opportunity to use the platform and deploy Micro Game based campaigns at whatever frequency suits them best. Users can pay in Crypto or Fiat and there will obviously be discounts and benefits for users who choose to pay with our native $LAZY tokens.

Ultimately LazyFi will provide a number of opportunities for users in the Web3 and Web2 spaces as we introduce crypto-style rewards to non-crypto users and evolve the Play to Learn space where we are pretty excited to say the potential and market verticals are almost limitless.

To follow us on our journey or to get involved in the Beta please visit our website or join us on our social channels.

About LazyFi

LazyFi is an educational gaming platform. Projects, brands and individuals can effortlessly create and deploy their own learn and earn game as well as having access to a novel comprehension based analytics system.

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