Ludwig Greiner
3 min readJul 10, 2015


Ways to Attract More Social Media Fans and Followers

First and foremost, you must make sure your presence is optimized. Make sure the bios/profiles for your social media accounts are complete and that they include clear and concise descriptions of your business, your company logo, and your website URL. And now that social media updates are included in search results, be sure you’re also optimizing your tweets, Facebook posts, and LinkedIn company status updates with keywords appropriate for your business, buy real twitter followers no bots which could help you get found in search. And by everywhere, we mean everywhere — on various pages of your website, on your blog, on signage in your storefront if you’re a local business, in print advertising, on your business cards, in your email marketing messages. Many social media sites now have official ‘follow’ buttons you can include on your website and blog. If not, you can create your own button and link it to your social media account. Twitter, for example, offers an official follow button that enables your site visitors to become a Twitter follower with just one click!

Create awesome content for social media brands

Every brand has a story to tell. What does your brand represent? Truly define your brand’s identity and use it to create exclusive and captivating content, like GoPro or Red Bull. Social media is full of brands trying to keep up with the conversation. Let your competitors weigh in on what everyone else is talking about, but your goal should be to find authentic ways that tell meaningful stories. It doesn’t have to be about your product or your company; in fact it probably buy real followers on twitter shouldn’t be. People are naturally skeptical of businesses on social media because of the perceived agenda so remember to dial back the marketing speak. Aim for evergreen topics that benefit and educate your entire industry, including journalists, customers, and even competitors. Your content should be designed to captivate viewers within the first few seconds and engages them on an emotional level. Sometimes it can be helpful to change your metrics. Instead of making every piece of content about a purchase, try producing content that’s surprising, beautiful, or just goofy (if appropriate to your brand).

Offer Incentives for New Fans/Followers

Make it so your social media presence is a must-follow. Research shows that 58% of Facebook users expect exclusive offers from business pages, so consider offering exclusive promotions and offers available only to your social media followers. Create a Facebook contest and make it a requirement for users to ‘like’ you in order to be eligible. Create an twitter followers buy offer available only to Twitter followers that can’t be obtained elsewhere. Make it so that users need to follow you in order to receive specific perks. Building your social media reach will take some time, but if you are committed to the steps above, we guarantee you’ll start seeing results. How else would you recommend increasing your social media reach?

