Walking In the Power of the Holy Spirit

5 min readMar 14, 2024


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

MEMORY VERSE OF THE WEEK: + 1 Peter 3:11 They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.

VERSE OF THE DAY: + Acts 5:15 As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.


When we become Christian,we all want someone who will help them, comfort them, and guide them, and a lot of us dont slow down and acknowledge the Holy Spirit presence. A lot of us act as if he isn’t there, and some of us take full advantage in a good way of the Holy Spirit; some of us lean on him, and that’s what we are supposed to do we suppose to lean on the Holy Spirit because we can all pretend like we know what we are doing and what we want. We might even have our life planned out. Still, honestly, we dont; we dont know anything about life, and we dont have anything prepared at all, but when we rely on the Holy Spirit, and we allow in, and we allow him into our life to help us, we become more aware of his presence and our need for him and we become more prepared in life and what He wants for us !
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
I have had moments when I could immediately feel his presence around me, his presence on me, and sometimes it’s either a chill down my arm or warmth, but whatever that feeling is, I know it’s him. I have had moments where I would be praying for people, and I felt a heat run up my back, and later, after the prayer session was finished, someone would tell me they felt something come from me to them, and that’s the Holy Spirit.
When the Holy Spirit uses you or me, he’s using us for his works. Everything we will ever do will be for him, and everything we accomplish is BECAUSE OF HIM. I must repeat this: EVERYTHING WE ACCOMPLISH IS THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT; We can never take credit for something he does. Yes, people have done this, but this isn’t what we should do; this is wrong.
Honestly, this will quench the Holy Spirit from moving in our life when we do things like this; I have heard many people say this to me: “ I was being used a lot by the Holy Spirit, and now I dont hear him or feel him, and when we get to the bottom of it, they would say well I said this or did this we must be careful when we are working with the Holy Spirit everything is precious, the Holy Spirit will use us as long as we want to be used and I have countless of stories about being used by the Holy Spirit, but I won’t get into them today, this devotional is to teach and show us how we will and can be used and what not to do while being used by the Holy Spirit.
Acts 19:11–12 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured, and the evil spirits left them.
See, we can pray over handkerchiefs and aprons and pass them out, and when people use them and depend on their faith, not our faith, but their faith, they will be healed. A friend, her mother, and I prayed over handkerchiefs and passed them out to people. Those people came back and told us how they were in pain and how the power of the Holy Spirit came and healed them. See, the Holy Spirit power can move when faith is moving. We can’t allow doubt in at all, when we do this it cuts the Holy Spirit moving in anyone’s life.
Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
We have to position ourselves with faith; we have to be willing to hear the word of God and allow it to transform our minds; as long as we are doubting, we are not allowing faith to move for us. We are allowing the enemy’s power to move in the spirit of doubt to co-exist, and we can’t do that. We have to speak against doubt. We have to speak against anything that looks to cut the moving of the Holy Spirit. We, as believers, have to always believe and trust in God. The Holy Spirit is always with us. He’s next to you now as you read this devotional; he’s with you while you’re in your car; the Holy Spirit is a friend that will never hurt you; you might not like what his ideas are, but the Holy Spirit is always there to help you when you’re in need.
***Today, we must depend on the works of the Holy Spirit and allow him to move freely in our lives. We shouldn’t ever block or stop the Holy Spirit. The more we doubt, the more he will stop working through us. We must believe he is working through us, giving us the power to heal and teach the sick. Still, we must believe not in an overly confident way but in a way that we know that our Father has anointed us to teach the nations. The Holy Spirit will use us as long as we are willing to dwell. When we don’t dwell and don’t want to learn, we reject the anointing and calling over our live friends; the most dangerous person is an anointed person who sits and dwells in God’s presence and who knows who they are in Christ? ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee

Heavenly Father, thank you for everything. Please help us learn who we are in you; please help us to draw closer to you. We would like to know you more. Father God, please mend our brokenness, remove the pain we might have endured, and please heal us, lord. We surrender every situation, every anger or bitterness that’s in us to you. Lord, we want to be free from it all, but Father, help us to learn to carry our cross. Lord, if we offended you, forgive us; we ask that you forgive us if we have done anything wrong. Help us not to feed the flesh but help us walk in the Spirit. In Jesus Name Amen.

+ Romans 5:5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

+1 Corinthians 2:13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.

+ Ephesians 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.





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