Luis Frade
2 min readAug 5, 2018

My Top 5 Business Books

I truly believe that the level of success you will achieve in life will be highly determined by the type of people you associate with and the books you have read or not during your lifetime. This means that you need to make sure to find the right people to associate with at the right moment and read the right books at the right times.

Here are some suggestions for business books I found to be pretty useful to me:

Winners & Losers, Creators & Casualties of The Age of The Internet by Kieran Levis

I was pretty young when I first read this book and it was really important for me because it explained in a very simple way how important Strategic decisions are when it comes to achieving success in an industry. I would recommend this book to someone that is starting out to get interested on business and strategy books.

Understanding Michael Porter – The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy

I am really passionate about Michael Porter’s work and this is still my favorite book about Porter’s contributions to the Business Strategy field.

This is the best book for someone that wants a summary of Michael Porter’s strategic perspectives without the need to actually read the “original” books from the author that can sometimes be too heavy for someone that wants to grasp the basic concepts in a short amount of time.

The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen

Innovator’s Dilemma is a hard to read book but it is totally worth it if you would like to understand better how innovation can make or break a company. This is also the best book if you want to really understand what makes an innovation sustaining or disruptive and will make sure you stop using the term “disruption” without the proper justification for it.

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne

Blue Ocean is the book that in my opinion should be read alongside Michael Porter’s books since it adds another perspective to the sometimes black and white competitive landscape of competition on price vs competition on differentiation that Porter exposes on his books. Another must read in my opinion if you like strategy topics.

The Long Tail – Why The Future of Business Is Selling Less of More by Chris Anderson

The long tail is specially important for those who are interested on digital business models, on it, Chris Anderson delves deep into some specific forces that shape digital businesses and that are sometimes contradictory to brick and mortar businesses.

I hope you enjoyed this recommendation list. If you would like to know what I am currently reading make sure to follow me on Goodreads here.

Luis Frade

Top performing, ambitious, and results-driven professional with diverse experience and achievement in new business development.