Think Outside the Box: Create a MSCHF BOX

Luis Rodríguez LC
5 min readFeb 18, 2020

What do the people at MSCHF really care about?

MSCHF BOX sample prizes

Remember when you were little, and Christmas was coming up? All those presents under the tree, with your name written on them, calling you, needing to be opened… But you had to wait, you always had to wait. At last, when the day came, you opened it up and found out what it was: had Santa or your parents or your uncles or your grandma brought you what you asked for? If they did, great! If they didn’t… well, not so much.

Christmas presents

Now imagine that your dad called you to the living room a couple of days before Christmas. Say 10 days before: December the 15th. He knows you really wanted that new Nintendo you saw at the store: you’ve been begging for it for weeks! He sits you down on the couch, facing the tree and presents in all their shiny glory. Then he offers you the weirdest deal you could expect for Christmas:

My son (insert “daughter” too, if you wish)! I’ve got a deal for you. Kind of like a bet… do you know what a bet is? It’s when you put some money on something you don’t know for sure: either you win more, or you lose everything… but it´s all up to luck. So, the bet or deal I have for you is this: I’ve laid down some presents under the tree. Now, I know you really want that new Nintendo thing… So, if you want, you can go



Luis Rodríguez LC

A young religious studying to become a priest. I love to learn and help others do so too, writing about my view on the world, life-hacks, philosophy and faith.