It’s Not Going To Make You Happy

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok:

I think I would make a billboard that would say, “IT WON’T MAKE YOU HAPPY”, and I would place it outside any big shopping mall or car dealer. Ideally actually, you know what would be a fun project? Is to buy and train thousands of parrots to say, “IT WON’T MAKE YOU HAPPY, IT WON’T MAKE YOU HAPPY”, then you let them loose in shopping malls and superstores around the world. That’s my life mission. Anybody in? Anybody with me? Let’s do it!

— Derek Sivers, The Tim Ferriss Show

If I ever learn to code, the first thing I’m going to program is a Safari extension (and perhaps a version for Firefox ) that launches a pop-up with the aforementioned quote whenever the user is browsing an online store.

It may be my single greatest contribution to the world.



Luís Magalhães

Editor-in-Chief @ | Writer with a predilection for fiction & video games | Podcast host @ | Occasional dental surgeon.