The New Reality

Luke Cato
2 min readFeb 5, 2016


I’ve been quiet because I fell victim to the complacency of having others, with similar views, do the talking for me. The truth is that every voice matters. It’s also true that for every voice of reason, like mine, there are a hundred of others shrieking, trying to drown us out with in a cacophony of catchphrases, labels, and banality. Nothing more.

They don’t debate on facts because they’re too brainwashed to ignore them. They don’t accept reality because it’s not convenient to their incontinent lifestyle.

They don’t like truth because it exposes their constant lies.

What is the #NewReality?

It’s the way that they want to shape your world, even if the facts say otherwise. Even if history contradicts them. Even if you know better, because, in your soul, you’ve always known better.

  • The New Reality is that a guy with a blog, who’s telling the truth, is portrayed as a greater threat to western society than the destabilizing impact of millions of economic migrants.
  • The New Reality is that being a straight man or a straight woman affords you fewer rights than being a gay man, or a transsexual woman.
  • The New Reality is the myth that creating children poses the greatest threat to your happiness.
  • The New Reality is that common animals are family and their rights now trump human rights.
  • The New Reality is that nominal ‘safety’ is worth the loss of personal freedoms and privacy.
  • The New Reality is that consensual sex can, after the fact, be defined as rape if a woman so desires.
  • The New Reality is that, even if women now earn more than men in entry-level positions, they are still victims of a discriminatory wage-gap.
  • The New Reality is that it’s okay to be spiritual but not religious.
  • The New Reality is that loose morals and a woman’s decision to objectify herself is ‘liberating’.
  • The New Reality is that if men are admiring a woman’s figure, they are oppressing her.
  • The New Reality is that an unattractive person who leads a visibly unhealthy lifestyle is exactly as beautiful as a person who worked hard to be attractive.
  • The New Reality is that being a victim is a coveted social status.
  • The New Reality is that personal outrage dictates relevance.
  • The New Reality is that truth is hate.
  • The New Reality is the that Truth, by virtue of being subjective, or relative, has become an opinion- a lie.

The more you look, the more you’ll find evidence of the #NewReality around you, especially in the media and online.
Tag it, so that we can all keep track of the way history, and reality, are being re-written.



Luke Cato

All have the gift of speech, but few are possessed of wisdom