The Order

Series on Netflix

D. Luke Allen
2 min readAug 7, 2020

Got done binge-watching a two seasons show on Netflix this past ten days and got to admit it was rather enjoyable.

Not GoT enjoyable. Which GoT enjoyable isn’t Leftovers enjoyable, and none of those will ever compare to Carnivale. Daniel Knauf!?!? Finish your best series ever!?!? Please!

But! The Order is good enough to get you to stop thinking of the shittiness of the world. The constants dregs of world pandemics and life drudgery can be easily swept away in this magic tale, and these werewolves.

It’s a love story hidden inside a whimsical fantasy. And alas, again, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has been plagiarized as the star crossed lovers span two seasons getting close but not close enough.

There are enough extraneous characters to develop into side stories to keep you entertained if the cliched Romeo and Juliet doesn’t keep your interest.

Interesting characters that you don’t know who you should or should not root for. Enough moral ambiguity to be real enough to be acceptable and not stay continually cliched.

The writing carries the actors, and often the acting is so bad one needs to simply focus on the words and not the soap tv show level acting. The writing is enjoyable enough to keep one engaged.

The poor actress that plays the character Kepler is so horrific her death is rewarding so as to confirm audiences won’t have to deal with her putrid acting in the upcoming season 3. In a tv show where no one will win awards for acting, this poor actress is so bad her scenes are cringy.

The main focus, though, should be the interesting light-hearted content this show creates. Enjoy it. If you have some time, it is fun!



D. Luke Allen

Author of A Journey Through the 5th Dimension and 100 Musings on Medium. I LOVE BEING WRONG! 18+ only, adult material within.