You Are Being Lied To

D. Luke Allen
2 min readFeb 2, 2019


So, how does an 8D being look? I ask this question in my introduction of my novel: A Journey Through the 5th Dimension. The answer is I don’t know and neither does anyone else.

Hence, who is lying to you? Almost everyone. Everyone who acts as if they can help you become a better you. As if some pages or insights will change your day today. There is no replacing you from out there sources; all your changes come from inside you. No, “life coach” can do anything but separate you from your money, and the right thing for them the gullible public spends billions every year to continue in this self-deceit.

Who else is lying to you? Any politician or business leader that acts as if: “if you were just like me/us, the world would be better.” I don’t care if you are Republican, Democrat, Progressive, Conservative, Libertarian, Green Party, Tea Party, and any other quackery in between, if you think: “life would be better if everyone adopted our platform.” You are what’s wrong with all of us, and that is who is also lying to us, OURSELVES.

How can we stop lying to others and ourselves? Three simple words, are you ready? I DON’T KNOW. And neither do you, we can discover grow and learn, but we can’t know. So get used to that, say: I don’t know, daily. Stop being so sure; you aren’t. The following fact, fad, belief will hopefully change, add, to you, and that’s a good thing!

Learn, I don’t know, and realize those who state they do, really are, most likely, lying to you and the best deceitful people out there, are also lying to themselves.

I do know one thing for certain, and that is Homo Sapiens can not be the dominant conscious species, the multiverse is far too expansive for that reality.

I look forward to writing in here daily, thank you to everyone that comments and reads my thoughts on here in this, Medium.



D. Luke Allen

Author of A Journey Through the 5th Dimension and 100 Musings on Medium. I LOVE BEING WRONG! 18+ only, adult material within.