New Luma Feature: “WiFi Bouncer”

2 min readDec 6, 2016


Giving you full control over which devices can join your network.

At nightclubs, the bouncer is infamous for deciding who is allowed access or who should be blocked. Now your WiFi network has its own bouncer, that gives you full control of who is allowed to join your WiFi network. So, even if someone has your WiFi password and tries to join your WiFi network, the bouncer will notify and allow you to block them directly from the Luma app. That’s right, even if someone borrows (or steals) your WiFi password, Luma can block them from joining your network. This protects you from the would-be hacker that lives down the hall or drives by your home.

How does it work?

For every new device that’s added to the network, you receive a Luma network alert in your Luma app. From this alert, you can just swipe right or left to decide to allow or block access for this device.

For devices that are already on your network, simply click “Block Device” on the device detail screen, and just like that they are dropped and blocked.

If you change your mind later, you can review the blocked devices list and give someone a second chance.

This Luma software update also includes enhancements on the Luma Details page. These new enhancements introduce the ability to reboot the Luma from the app, rename the Luma and flash the light ring in order to identify the Luma.

We hope that you enjoy having your very own WiFi bouncer to keep your network safe.

The Luma Team

P.S. If you need assistance with your Luma, our support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 800–684-LUMA or




Luma is the first WiFi system that surrounds your home with fast and secure internet and is customized to your home. Order your Luma today at