Lumeena Thuwan
3 min readDec 10, 2017


Brief Introduction to Hdac

Hdac is a future-proof cryptocurrency and a platform that will boost the IoT marketplace by ensuring its stability, transparency, and growth. There are other cryptocurrencies also such as Bitcoin and Ethereum to which Hdac will give a fierce competition with its involvement in everyday life.

HDAC: paving the way for the next Industrial Revolution

It is being seen as a fuel which would be sparked on its pre-sale to drive the fourth industrial revolution of mankind. This will create demands for an ultra-connected society which would be achieved through the digital innovations like Hdac which is a blend of the blockchain, verified encrypted currency, and IoT.

Hdac checks on all the points essential to the success of a cryptocurrency by being conveniently and frequently usable in the daily life. Therefore, it is not just a promising investment method but also a payment method that strives to make the everyday life of a digitally advanced person easier and more straightforward.

How Hdac stands out from the crowd?

Being based on an IoT Contract platform, Hdac is capable of processing the transactions at an unbelievably faster speed when you compare it with the other virtual payment options available today. Moreover, it can also be transferred onto other IoT devices’ networks with ease.

The role of Hdac in making your life simpler
This will improve the convenience of payments in taxes & bill payments, loans & investments, contracts and car sharing. Furthermore, the Machine-to-Machine payments will become a reality with its scalability features to even involve micro-payments. By combining private and public blockchains, Hdac will make your life and surroundings automated and less cluttered.

For example- If the wire of your lamp is burned out, it would automatically order a new one that would be delivered to your doorstep.

Hdac would initially play a more significant role in IT services, automobile industry, and construction company and will gradually build its presence in a global environment by bringing reforms based on trust.

Token allocation of Hdac Platform

HDAC aka ‘Hyundai DAC’ wants to rule the Korean market with this project for which it has collected 13 thousand BTCs. In the initial run, Hdac will open “Cafes de Block” to let people use BTCs and DAC coins. This platform would be fuelled the DAC token that would be used for various functions.

A total of 12 Billion tokens will be issued with their allocation as follows-

7% of them will be used as a capital reserve for the company.

The next 7% will be distributed to the TGE participants at Hdac presale.

The remaining 86% will be earned through equitable ‘ePoW mining’ by participants.

With a Hdac TGE target of 6,000 BTC, the token price will be 0.1 BTC for 1,800 DAC

The token production will be guided by the rule to maintain its intrinsic value.

Hdac Crowdsale

The Hdac crowdsale for the sale of the token will be conducted from 27 Nov, 207 to 22 Dec 2017. No other digital currency except Bitcoin will be accepted.

On the pre-sale, Hdac has aimed to sale the token of 1000,000,000 USD value out of the 7% token allocated for the pre-sale. Hdac will also offer a bonus up to 1000% during this sale.

Buy Tokens : https://hdac.io/
Whitepaper : https://github.com/Hdactech/Hdac/wiki/Hdac-Technical-Whitepaper
Telegram : https://t.me/Hdac_TGE

