Intelligence is not Enough

Lumen Press FUTO
1 min readSep 28, 2017


Nerdy she —

Mother was furious. She was smart. She bested and usurped my valedictorian position at the end of high school. She got a scholarship to Yale for a degree in International Law.
Her final visa interview was scheduled for Thursday, and her family and mine shared supper the evening before I and mother unseated on putting a couple extra sprinkled of that wonder spice grandmother returned from her trip to Cameron with.
Joan had a terrible diarrhea the next morning of course, she missed the interview.

Mother always said:

intelligence is not enough

This 92-word piece emerged winner at our most recent 5 minutes writing challenge at LUMEN PRESS on the theme “Intelligence is not enough”.

By LUMEN Michael Egbuna

P.S: At our 5 minutes writing challenge a previously unannounced theme is announced and members of the team come up with a piece on that theme in exactly 5 minutes. Valid entries must be at least more than 50 but less than 100 words long.



Lumen Press FUTO

Press Arm of the Nigerian Federation of Catholic Students (NFCS), FUTO Chapter