Hurry! Rabby Wallet Points Season 2!

Luo Fi
2 min readJun 7, 2024


Are you Ready For Snapshot? Claim Your Share Before It’s Gone!

Rabby Points Season 2 is now live! I’ve been using Rabby Wallet since last year, and here’s why: its superior security features have saved me countless times.
I nearly approved drainer contracts on multiple occasions, but Rabby Wallet consistently alerted me to the dangers, keeping me safe.
By integrating my MetaMask wallet, I also accumulated a significant amount of points.

More rewards — 1 billion points in total!

Simpler rules: Address balance ≥ $1 & active in 2024. You will get points even if you’re new to Rabby!

Check your points here:

Also don’t forget to claim your DAILY FREE GAS!

Missed my previous airdrop guides? Check them out here:

Remember to take care of your mental health and stay safe always. Let’s navigate the crypto frontier together.

For inquiries, reach out at:



Luo Fi

Venturing through DeFi, blockchain trends, and life's purpose. For inquiries, reach out at: