Cristina Melo
4 min readAug 7, 2020


The mindfuck behind misogyny.

First off I have to be very clear, I am in no way a feminist.

I do not believe in equal rights between genders, woman is superior. Period. Men do not compare, they compliment us well, they just don’t hold a flame to our being. Even with this mentality, I don’t feel the need to belittle men and remind them how biologically we are naturally designed to be superior.

I don’t hold my power as a woman over a man’s head nor do I feel they must be enslaved and repressed for me to feel validated in my claim.

“Once made equal to man, woman becomes superior” – Socrates

I agree with this quote in many ways, the power of a woman is so phenomenal and nature like, it makes sense why men would not want us to be aware of our full potential. Men have already fallen weak to women, therefore, we are repressed, and oppressed. Even with such little power, we still have much control.

Misogyny is something that is not only enforced by men, but women also do it as well. Women tend to internalize misogyny (see the term “pick me”). With women using misogyny as a means to be chosen by a man and accepted into an illusion that once chosen, she will be treated better than the women she stepped on to get the man she wanted. Wrong.

Misogynistic men hate women, they hate our power, they hate our weakness. They know we are extremely beneficial, in turn they ensure to utilize women for their benefit. And weak women fall for it every time.

