Lybra Mainnet Launch & LBR Mining Program

Lybra Finance
2 min readApr 24, 2023


Dear Lybrans,

We’re thrilled to announce that the Lybra Protocol will be launching on Ethereum Mainnet at 13:00PM UTC on April 24th.

Following the launch, users can mint eUSD by depositing ETH/stETH and begin earning interest (~8%) by simply holding eUSD.

In order to promote the adoption of eUSD and build a healthy, sustainable, and long-term mining program, the LBR Mining Program will be implemented in a number of phases. The details are as follows:

Phase 1 ⚖️

April 24th, 13:00PM UTC until May 1st, 13:00pm UTC.

Over seven days, a total of 575K esLBR will be emitted through the following mining pools:

  • eUSD Loan Pool: 75%, 61,643.83 esLBR per day.
  • LBR/ETH LP Pool: 25%, 20,547.94 esLBR per day.

1. To participate in the eUSD Loan Pool, you will need to deposit ETH/stETH to mint/borrow eUSD. The yield is allocated to those who have minted eUSD, in a proportional manner according to their borrowed amount compared to the total minted eUSD. For example, if someone has minted 10% of the total eUSD, they would receive 10% of the yield payout, for the eUSD Loan Pool.
2. Five days after launch, users can start converting their esLBR to LBR, which will vest linearly over a 30-day period.

We will release further information and details on the future emissions breakdown for the following period, prior to Phase 1 ending.

Thank you for your continued support
Lybra Finance⚖️




Lybra Finance

Building the first interest-bearing stablecoin backed by LSD.