Work = a Fun-Free Zone

Lydia Botha
2 min readMay 16, 2019


Do you believe that?

Do you believe that business needs to be hard if you wanted to be successful? Do you believe that you can’t be paid for something if you’re having fun with it and which doesn’t feel like work?

We bought into this idea that we need to put an inhumane amount of hours into our work. That we need to talk with a stick up our arses — because that’s how professionals act. That our work should be hard because studying for it was.

But, is it worth it?

Wouldn’t you rather want to spend your time doing something that lights you up — and getting paid well for it?

In my training courses, I often advise that you should choose marketing tactics that you have fun using. This advice is going against the grain — more often you’ll hear that you HAVE to be on x social media channel or you HAVE to use so and so marketing technique.

I agree, not all marketing strategies are created equal, but, what’s the use if you tick all the right boxes but you despise what you’re doing? You’re not going to give it your all, and at some point, you’re going to give up. When you love what you’re doing, you’ll put more of your energy into it, and that energy will be contagious — attracting those ideal clients that you’ve always wanted to notice you.

That’s how I feel about writing my weekly emails to my people. I’m sure there are better marketing tactics, but I just love love love writing them. So if no-one ever signs up to work with me even after reading every single email, it wouldn’t matter. That’s because I have so much fun with it. It’s my creative outlet, and I get to talk about things I really care about.

I want to challenge you.

Take some time out of your day to take stock of everything you do in your firm — business and marketing-wise.

Is there stuff that you hate doing that you need to let go?

Is there something that you love doing — something that comes naturally to you — but you don’t get to do it often enough? Isn’t it time that you do more of that? Chances are that you’re really good at it and people will be willing to pay you more for that service.

You CAN love what you do AND make money. Don’t stand in your own way of having fun.


This article was originally published on



Lydia Botha

Accountant turned content marketer. I write about branding, marketing, and trends in the accounting industry.