Expanding the Mind & Intellect: Gemini Full Moon 12/7

Lydia McCarter
5 min readDec 7, 2022

Ruling over the third house of communication, community, learning, and mental connection the zodiac sign Gemini playfully dances within the domain of all things involving the mind and its many processes.

In Gemini, we see correlations to: words, thoughts, learning endeavors, siblings, our communities, neighborhoods, class rooms, publications, written and spoken word, and ultimately the capacity to share what is in our minds with the world around us. Gemini represents our immediate environment and connects to the mental interactions within it in our every day lives.

Esoterically, Gemini correlates to the ability to untie the head and the heart assisting in creating a bridge between the higher and lower mind. Gemini is known as the ‘light of interplay’, and cultivates support in merging the dual aspects of our innate mental facilities.

The Gemini Full Moon on 12/7 at 16° marks the completion of a cycle that began on 5/30 during the New Moon in Gemini. This Full Moon, also known as the Cold Moon, is the final Full Moon of the year and signals a time of completion and closure.

The Full Moon is a time of accumulation when we can see the fruits of our labor and take steps to nourish and support their growth. The lunar cycles have been utilized by many cultures throughout history, including but not limited to the ancient Babylonians.

The influence of the Full Moon in Gemini can be felt in many areas of our lives, depending on the correlation made by both Sagittarius and Gemini in the natal chart. But largely it can be seen influencing our communication and our beliefs. Urging us to expand and understand all the while seek out new information and knowledge. A careful balancing act.

This Full Moon is making a wide square Neptune. The square between the Moon and Neptune can bring confusion and uncertainty, as well as a heightened sensitivity emotionally. Communication fumbles and mistakes are possible, and may be largely fueled by a struggle to align both our intuition and curiosity. It is important to stay grounded and to avoid making impulsive decisions. Especially with Mars in play. Luckily, Saturn is an asset.

This Full Moon in Gemini is conjunct Mars retrograde and opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, all the while trine Saturn. With Mars now at 16° we have the drive from a time frame in late September aiding our actions. But it is, in a sense, both a re-do and an ending. Whatever is to come with the assistance of Mars via this Full Moon will be rectified in full by March 2023.

This Full Moon is providing us with a powerful and dynamic alignment that can bring both opportunities and challenges. It is a time to stay open-minded and flexible, and to be willing to take risks and explore new possibilities. With a little patience and determination, this alignment can help us to break through old patterns and limitations and to make significant progress on our path forward. Expanding our minds and our intellect.

With the ability to dedicate ourselves to a greater cause (Saturn in Aquarius) our voices will be heard (Mars in Gemini). But simply, this aspect aids in both drive and dedication.

Saturn in Aquarius represents limitation to the dreams of the people, all the while Mars in Gemini is skilled in verbal battle. It’s a great time for important messages to not only be relayed but also to be received. You’ve gained the authority, you put in the work, and now it’s time for you to use your voice.

As the first air sign of the zodiac, Gemini is associated with communication, intelligence, and adaptability. It is a mutable sign, which means that it is constantly changing and evolving. People born under the sign of Gemini are known for their quick wit and sharp minds, and they are skilled at adapting to new situations and environments.

From an esoteric perspective, Gemini is associated with the archetype of the Twin, and with the duality of the human experience. This archetype represents the interplay between our inner and outer selves, and the many different facets of our personality. Gemini is a zodiac sign associated with the need to balance the higher and lower mental facilities, divine and mortal.

Of the twins: Castor is associated with the mortal aspects of Gemini, and is known for being practical and logical. Pollux, on the other hand, is associated with the divine aspects of Gemini and is known for being intuitive and imaginative. Yet with their powers combined, a beautiful balance of intellect is obtained.


In all, the upcoming Gemini Full Moon is a time for personal growth and transformation and offers us an opportunity to reflect on the lessons we have learned over the past six months. With the beneficial influence between Mars and Saturn aspecting the Full Moon, we’ve been granted the ability to make the necessary adjustments to assist our paths in moving forward.

It’s just important to remain grounded and logical (Virgo, ultimately, to round off the tsquare into a grand cross) in the process in order to make it all work.

I’ll leave you with this..

Astrology, referenced philosophically in Ancient Greece as ‘musica universalis’, translates modernly to ‘music of the spheres’. This concept connects the movements of the celestial bodies to being a form of music.

Like all instruments the noise produced via the energy of the planets is dependent on the skill and craft of the person holding the instrument.

Luckily, Astrology is largely a matter of developing conscious awareness of the invisible harmony of the swirling planetary notes that many allow to pass them by. Which is indeed ironic, given that they are influenced by them regardless.

People are funny like that, but you aren’t; you deserve a high five. Godspeed, friends & I wish you all a wonderful Gemini Full Moon.

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Lydia McCarter

Ex-BS Writer — My X list could probably break your damn arm off. I did a lot of impressive crap (real punny). But, I’ve yet to love it — so here goes nothin’.