It Only Takes One Thought — #4

But first, you have to think about how to get rid of the LESS

Lynda Coker


Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

Everybody wants to change something. It’s either themselves, someone else, or the world in general.

CHANGE is proceeded by thought. If we could focus on the right thoughts, can you imagine how great a change we could begin?

In this series, we’re going to practice thinking. One thought or question to ponder each time. Will it make a profound difference in your life? Maybe, or maybe not. You’re unique, so I can’t answer for you. But if you have an extra moment to think, follow along with me.


Is HOPELESS really hopeless? NOT if you get rid of the less…

It’s true, in some cases, hopelessness stems from circumstances that limit our ability to take action in a way that we want.

So have you considered removing the ‘less’ and replacing it with ‘more’?

As long as we linger on the ‘less’ we’ll stay weak and inactive. There is always room for some action on our part. It may start with adjusting our perception, attitude, and willingness to step outside our comfort zone.

Think about this: Your helplessness can be overcome by helping another to overcome their helplessness.



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