What is Your Acceptable Risk Level

The Bible’s Warning Signs — Can You Read Them

Lynda Coker


Image by DONT SELL MY ARTWORK AS IS from Pixabay

When I was researching the concept of warning signs and why so many people choose to ignore them, I came to a scary conclusion.

People are willing to take the risk!

Actually, I first learned this from my son, who is now a grown man. But when he was younger, he tested all my teaching and training skills. Why? Because he was always willing to take whatever consequences came with breaking or ignoring rules and warnings.

The same concept is present in a large portion of society. Each of us seems to have a personal risk level. We’re willing to take our chances up to a certain point to do or achieve whatever it is we want. For some, that risk level is low and for others, it’s quite high.

That explains why people don’t slow down in school zones, wear life vests when boating, avoid toxic relationships, control bad habits, listen to severe weather warnings, take medical precautions, etc. Ignoring warnings is prevalent in the attitudes of people everywhere and in all parts of life.

But nowhere is the disregard for warnings more clear than in the attitude toward Bible prophecy. Though the book has been available for centuries and is currently the most published book in history, the warning…



Lynda Coker

I write about life, fictional worlds, and anything that catches my interest. I also design and create with textiles. Icky Chic Desings on Etsy