“Nefarious”—A Christian Movie Without Christian Characters

Lynn Baber
3 min readMay 30, 2023
Preview image of the movie, Nefarious

Are demons real? My husband and I watched Nefarious the day it opened in theaters. It’s billed as a horror movie, but it’s not horrific in the way you might expect. There’s no blood, gore, or scenes you just can’t force yourself to watch. Curiously, until the last minutes, there isn’t a Christian character in the whole movie.

Screwtape Letters Sequel

The author, Steve Deace, describes Nefarious as a sequel to C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters. A Christian powerhouse of a book, Screwtape doesn’t have a Christian character either — just demons.

Spoiler Alert: I recommend the movie.

For the first time in my life, I spoke to the screen during a film. I’m not going to share any specifics, but every horror ever devised is explained by this movie.

Nefarious is brought to you by folks who did the God’s Not Dead movies.

Should You Watch Nefarious?

The acting is brilliant. Will you get uncomfortable watching Nefarious? I’m torn between hoping you will and hoping you won’t.

People will respond to segments of Nefarious in different ways. Rather than go through scenes or specific issues, this review calls out folks who most need to consider buying a ticket.

  • If you have any doubt that much of what you deal with in everyday life is involved in spiritual warfare, watch the movie.
  • If you wonder if little decisions you make that deviate from what honors God are really all that important, watch the movie.
  • If you wonder whether ministers and priests should be believed, watch the movie.
  • If you or someone you love believes that the self-indulgent, arrogant atheists, or humanists are the top of the food chain, watch the movie.
  • Are demons real? If you don’t think so, watch the movie.

Toothless Christianity

Much that defines itself as Christian is powerless. I’ve been sharing this message for years, so wasn’t surprised when the movie made the point in a way that should shame many who equate ordination with rectitude. (You’ll know what I mean if you see the movie.)

I hope every person who considers themself Christian watches this movie. Maybe twice. I read half of The Nefarious Plot, the book that inspired the film, before seeing it. I couldn’t figure out how the book could be turned into a horror movie, but the end of the film tied up that loose end nicely.

There are only two spirits behind every event in human history: the Holy Spirit and the other one. Nefarious pulls back the curtain on the latter.

Delusion Among Believers

Nefarious delivers a gut punch to viewers by exposing the extent of delusion in the world. For those who don’t believe — the movie may make them more uncomfortable than Christians who realize they aren’t 100% committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God as written, not interpreted.

There isn’t a Christian voice in the movie until the very end. But, the more you know your Bible, the more layers you’ll recognize hidden in the dialogue.

Conclusion: Watch the movie.

Lynn Baber is a Christian author and behaviorist who encourages and equips others to live lives of simple joy, power, and purpose. With six Amazon best-selling books, her 50-year career as a business consultant, motivational speaker, and champion horse trainer and breeder (especially stallions), produced simple ways to offer a win-win in every relationship. Visit her at LynnBaber.com.



Lynn Baber

Best-selling Christian writer and behaviorist. Biblical stewardship emphasis. Visit www.LynnBaber.com