2 Invisible Habits That Kill Your Focus

3 min readJun 22, 2023

Discover two stealthy habits that are secretly sabotaging your focus, learn how to outsmart them, and turbocharge your productivity. Read on, because this might just be the enlightenment you never knew you needed.

Have you ever felt like you were hit by a metaphorical truck called ‘Realization’? A truck that left you sprawled out on the road of enlightenment, reflecting on your life choices. Now, imagine if I told you there are two invisible habits that could be secretly sapping your focus. Stick around, and you might just dodge that truck, or better yet, learn to drive it.

In the curious chronicles of coffee shop encounters, I met John, a diligent multitasker, who believed he could juggle tasks like a circus performer. One fateful evening, while he was knee-deep in a work email, a knitting tutorial, and a documentary on honey bees, the ‘Realization’ truck came speeding. The aftermath? A garbled email sent to his boss, a knitted monstrosity that looked less like a sock and more like abstract art, and a confusing understanding of how bees made honey.

That’s right, the productivity superhero cape he wore so proudly was, in fact, a cloak of invisibility hiding his true nemesis. Plot twist, right? The same could be true for you. Here’s your personal invitation to embark on a wild ride to uncover two invisible habits that might…

