Is Blog Marketing Worth It ?

Mark Collins
4 min readJul 31, 2017


Is Blog Marketing Worth It ?

Is Blog Marketing Worth It ?

Are you looking for ways to increase your bottom line? Could it help to gain more exposure and expand your local reach for free ? Blog Marketing — sounds too good to be true though right? Wrong!

Today, many businesses run blogs as part of their overall content strategy and rightly so! Blogging continues to grow in popularity year over year and during this growth, an interesting off-shoot has sprung up! Traditionally, the business adds a blog, but many bloggers have done the reverse, creating a business as a result of their blog! Kind of like a chicken or the egg scenario right?

Are you curious about the many benefits you can gain from blog marketing ? We thought you might be. Blogging is an inexpensive and easy way to boost your inbound marketing success. It is a highly effective content marketing tool for attracting prospects.

These days, it’s commonplace to research products and services on the web prior to purchase. According to an inbound marketing report (HubSpot), 57% of the companies have acquired customers from their blog. The same report has also revealed that 81% businesses are seeing positive results from blog marketing. So much so, many savvy business owners are now doubling down with their content schedules.

Nowadays, it is crucial to use blogging for content marketing. Let’s look at some of the major benefits for business :

Increase Traffic To Your Website

If you have a website, visitors matter and one of the most obvious benefits of blogging is that it attracts visitors.

Fresh content is hunted by search engines and your blog posts can become popular if your content is unique. The visibility of your website automatically increases in search results with the help of business blogging. More traffic means more prospects and potentially more customers.

Stonyfield Farms (New Hampshire) is a great example of a successful business blog. Gary Hirshberg and Samuel Kaymen co-funded this blog way back in 1983. Their business produces a number of organic dairy products. Tough subject? Possibly but Stonyfield is mainly focused towards farming and family by means of promoting an organic lifestyle.

It’s this targeted theme they use for promoting their brand by posting articles related with healthy lifestyles. Over thirty years, Stonyfield has become famous globally and a pivotal reason behind that reach remains the business blog.

So what you are waiting for?

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Develop Long-lasting Relationships With Customers

Running an active, interesting business blog makes it easy to stay in touch with your existing customers. All you have to do is to ask your customers for their opinion or queries at the ending paragraph of your posts. Much like Facebook, Review and respond to your readers’ comments. In this way, you’ll learn more about them, their likes, dislikes and invariably, also let them learn more about you. People do business with other people, not nameless corporate brands especially in a local sense.

Every business has its own unique story to share. Stories familiarize people with causes, organizations and other people. Picture yourself at a dinner party or networking event. You schmooze, you chit-chat and then ultimately — and naturally — you find yourself attracted to other like minds. Maybe the ones with seemingly the most in common with yourself. Funny, yes but true — it’s just the human way. The B2C (business to customer) relationship is no different.

It’s the story that counts. Get that part right, identify with your readers, provide value and the right people will respond to you.

Brand loyalty stems from the overall customer experience and it only makes sense that a customer who feels valued and appreciated will return. Not only that, they’ll likely tell some friends along the way and that can be a very good thing.

Free Business Promotion

Content marketing can provide huge gains through blogging for your business. Every time you publish a new post, there will be an opportunity that your readers will share it with others. Let your readers market for you! In this way, you can market your content without paying any cost. Marketing without cost? Yes! Another added benefit of blog marketing.

Any business can reap benefits by adding blogging into their marketing strategy. With minimum expense and effort, we can create good relationships with customers and can also boost site traffic and search engine rankings.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s grab this free marketing opportunity and start running with it today!

Originally published at .



Mark Collins

Founder MAC5 Agency | Web Development | Social Media Marketing | SEO-SEM | Digital Marketing | Instructor @ VIUniversity Canada, USA & Global