Made With Love

Made With Love
2 min readJan 21, 2015


Made with Love UK was born alongside my first daughter. Like many pregnant ladies, I suddenly became very conscious of every food label, checking for any nasty’s I could be potentially passing on.

When I started to look at the labels of my body care and cosmetic products I was left shocked. Although most of us are becoming more and more conscious of what we put into our bodies, most aren't aware that what we are lathering onto our skin can be far scarier.

The additives, stabilizers, alcohols, coloring's and chemicals added to these products are mainly to give them a certain aesthetic, consistency, or simply so it can be cheaply mass produced and kept on supermarket shelves (or in your bathroom cabinet) for a 100 years.

When it comes to the skin, as with the body, as pure and unrefined as possible is best.

If you need to moisturise, use a moisturising raw agent, i.e. oil or cocoa butter. If you need to exfoliate, use a natural sugar or salt base, it doesn't need to be pretty multi-coloured, non-biodegradable plastic balls which have zero nutritional benefit to the skin (remember the skin is the bodies largest organ and absorbs a huge percentage of what is put on it).

‘Made with Love’ was born from this conscious realisation of what I was putting on and in my body. Not satisfied with the hidden chemicals and additives found in shop bought products, I set about making my own using 100% Natural, Raw and Vegan ingredients. ‘Made with Love’ products are simple and close to nature, with a passion for making the most of natural ingredients.

Many body care products can be made using what you can find in your fridge and fruit bowl, I know what you’re thinking but it’s true! If you want to find out more or even learn how to create these products yourself then visit my website or Facebook / Twitter for further details.



Made With Love

'Made with Love' products are simple and close to nature. With a passion for making the most of natural ingredients, we avoid any nasty additives.