Flexible Schedules and Remote Work

The meaning of flexible work

Marino Gomez
4 min readJul 8, 2019


In one of my university classes, we spoke about what is needed in order to make a Software Factory capable of everything inside the university. We touched topics just like this one, it is almost mandatory to think about the schedules and how is the job going to be done.

Flexible schedules and remote work goes hand by hand, and inside an educational institute, we need to know who will be the employees, how much will they work, and what are the restrictions.
Taking this into account I’m gonna, for the most part, put some arguments on the table just to know whether to have flexible schedules or not or maybe remote work is the for all intents and purposes best option, which is fairly significant.

Useful Information

Flexible work generally means to actually choose the times that we can work so we can actually spend time with really other things aside from the job itself in a major way. Many companies kind of have these commodities, and basically many others don’t, which literally is quite significant. It is recommended to definitely have beforehand this information, so during application of a job you can know if it is suited for you in a for all intents and purposes major way.

Flexible schedules were made in order to give the employee a grasp of his time and also give him control over his job, at the same time increasing productivity for the employees, instead of doing a race to finish the project for the day or spending more money to get to the work office flexible employees have time to plan and also don’t feel trapped in an environment where they can’t leave after 8 hours.

Pros about Flexible work

Positively talking for the employees, the ability to work more flexible schedules is a wish, and when done right it is beneficial for both sides, the employer and the employee.

Based on https://www.flexjobs.com 3.9 million employees in the US work from home at least half of the time, the Average telecommuter is 46 years old or older and earns a higher median salary than an in-office worker, there is a balance between women and men.

This information means nothing to many people, but when companies like Dell, Apple, and American Express are happy about flex work results, it is something to take into account.

There is a combination in between doing flexible hours and working remotely despite stories of companies ending remote works, the number of people searching remote jobs is increasing by the time. In some cases for the company, it is impossible to exist without remote jobs, some companies like VIPKID which have over 50000 remote teachers globally, or SYKES a customer contact management company with over 55000 employees.

When talking about flexible schedules we need to know also the topic of Part-time jobs, not every employee can work full 40 hours, and in order to allow them to work anywhere four days a week to just one day, this gives the option to keep a valuable employee who temporarily can’t or doesn’t want to do a full-time job making both sides of the coin happy.

There are no limitations of race or gender, for remote working, so any conflict may be diverted by eliminating this communication in a subtle way. I’m not saying to really hire any kind of personality just by this statement, but to kind of say that it is less fairly likely to mistreat one partner during work.

Cons about Flexible Work

If the company doesn’t have the resources to allow flex schedules “You are gonna have a bad time”. To make flexible schedules the employers need to prepare the environment to allow this kind of job.

Some companies like Yahoo believe that flex work or remote work creates a gap of communication and collaboration in between the employees, it is true that when we work at the home quality of the product might be lost, but that means the company or the employees weren’t prepared for this kind of schedules.

And as always the companies don’t literally have cameras inside employees at home, so they can\’t definitely know whether the employee literally is working or not, which basically is quite significant. This definitely is pretty bad for both sides, employers should trust in employees and employees should for all intents and purposes be diligent about their work hours in a major way.

What To do for our Software Factory

INTEC the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo generally is the place where we particularly are making the software factory so when talking about flexible schedules for all intents and purposes is something almost mandatory, in order to kind of maintain a welcoming environment, which really is quite significant. Considering that some employees will actually be students, they need time to mostly take classes, and even work at home, taking this into account, the definitely part-time jobs will essentially be a must inside the software factory, which mostly shows that some employees will be students, so they need time to take classes, and even work at home, taking this into account, the fairly part-time jobs will really be a must inside the software factory in a basically major way.

Remote work is also a must, sometimes software developers can’t essentially be all the time inside the workplace, for any reason, they should kind of have the capacity to work from their houses, this can specifically keep the workflow even if they aren’t communicating in reality in a big way.


A Software factory inside INTEC should mostly have mixed hours, making a schedule for each employee, to specifically be accommodated, this would kind of be the sort of the best option if it takes into account the Career signatures. With this, I mean hiring useful employees will essentially be sort of easier to actually obtain if you for all intents and purposes have the choice from remote to even definitely part-time depending in the job the employee will do, there specifically are many systems to mostly make flexible schedules work, instead of holding the factory back, contrary to popular belief.

