A Quick Guide To Communications For Advocacy Campaigns

4 min readJul 25, 2019


Written by Fatima B. Derby

Image via LSherie Alert, LLC

For non-profit organizations and human rights defenders working to address systemic injustice and inequality and effect social change, communication is key to achieving this goal. One of the prime ways by which this change can be achieved is through advocacy campaigns.

An advocacy campaign is a set of strategic actions and activities carried out over a period of time to create support for social policy or ensure some kind of social change. An effective advocacy campaign should incorporate an integrated communication approach that includes print, multimedia and interactive content that is appealing and engaging to all stakeholders involved. In planning an advocacy campaign, we suggest the following communication tips to consider:

Target the right audience

For your advocacy campaign to be effective, it’s important that your messages reach the right people. You need to identify the stakeholders and people who can influence the kind of change you’re looking to create. These include donors, policymakers, activists, human rights defenders, the media, bloggers, celebrities, social influencers, citizens, voters, community groups among others.

In the words of Bill Novelli, “You have to study your target audiences and find out what you can say that will make them change their behaviour”. Study these segments and find out what kind of content they typically engage with, where they get their information from and what kind of media they consume. These statistics will help customize your campaign messages and “calls to action” in a more precise and specific manner.

Don’t limit yourself to only one communication channel

Be innovative in your use of communication tools and channels. Mobilize whatever resources that are at your disposal to run an integrated advocacy campaign. You can reach segments of your audience by sending e-mail petitions, letters, research reports and model policies to decision-makers. You can target individuals and evoke behavioural change by disseminating information and calls to action through social media posts, ads on TV, radio, billboards and posters, by organising public forums, community outreach and peer education programs.

Source: make every woman count

Use stories to make a case

There are too many social problems to be tackled by society and people can get tired or overwhelmed by it all. Your communication strategy will determine whether people listen to you and pick interest in your advocacy campaign. You need to make a case to convince people on why they should care about the issues you’re advocating for and then take action.

A good way to make a case for your campaign is by telling stories. Facts and figures can have a more powerful meaning if they are accompanied by human stories and experiences that people can relate to. A compelling narrative that clearly illustrates the reason behind your campaign is effective in evoking a response from the people you are trying to reach.

Make sure your campaign messages are simple and clear.

Advocacy campaigns are potentially compelling if the campaign messages resonate with your target audiences. This is important because if people are able to emotionally connect with the change you want to cause, their support can be galvanized into action.

In creating messages for an advocacy campaign, be careful not to pile on complex heavily-nuanced thoughts, abstract concepts, scholarly words or non-profit (NGO) language. Instead, be deliberate about using language that the people are familiar with and can connect to. That way, you can engage them emotionally and truly get them to take action.

Advocacy requires being able to persuade people and steer public sentiments towards taking action for a particular cause. A great advocacy campaign is reflected by its communication strategy and the ability of this strategy to arouse positive response and change.




MAKEDA PR is a Communications, PR and Events company that specializes in offering bespoke services to clients in the Arts and Civil Society Spaces.