A New Web3 Identity Infrastructure: Analyzing Match ID’s Ambitions and Capabilities

9 min readMar 26, 2024

Identity, which is the fundamental basis for individuals to participate in social activities, has always been controlled by centralized institutions. In the Web2 era, internet giants held sway over data islands, infringing on user privacy in the process. In the Web3 era, despite the decentralization concept gaining traction, users still have to endure the inconvenience of fragmented identities in a multi-chain world. Against this backdrop, Match ID has emerged as a key player, taking up the mantle of reshaping the bedrock of trust in Web3 and leading the charge toward a resurgence of individual control over identity.

Ⅰ The Dilemma of Identity in Web3

In the idealized world of Web3, users are imagined to fully command their digital autonomy, liberating themselves from the constraints of centralized entities and fostering the unrestricted flow of identity and data. Yet, despite these high aspirations, the actual situation is somewhat different.

  1. Data Islands: Fragmentation of On-Chain Identity

At present, the Web3 landscape resembles a fiercely contested arena with numerous competitors. Prominent blockchain platforms like Ethereum, BNB Chain, Solana, and Aptos are each vying to draw in developers and users, constructing their distinct ecosystem walls. It has resulted in ecosystem silos, where users’ identities and data are isolated within specific chains, unable to be consolidated or interact across different platforms, thus causing a splintering of identity.

For instance, a player may issue their own NFT on Ethereum, accumulate DeFi assets on Solana, and participate in multiple GameFi projects on BSC. However, these valuable on-chain records are trapped in their respective data islands, unable to corroborate with each other and unable to paint a complete picture of their Web3 identity. It not only results in the fragmentation of identity data but also significantly damages the user experience.

2. Identity Authentication: Helplessly ‘Centralized’

Indeed, KYC (Know Your Customer) is still a common practice on traditional platforms. However, in the Web3 space, relying on such old-school methods feels like a massive leap in the wrong direction. Users end up having to hand over their personal info to centralized entities, putting their privacy at risk and opening the door to potential data mishandling. On top of that, the wildly different KYC rules across platforms make it even more challenging to have a smooth, recognized identity from one service to another

At the same time, many Web3 projects, in pursuit of better usability, have begun integrating Web2 identity authentication. While this lowers the entry barriers for users, it renders the concept of ‘decentralized identity’ meaningless. Web3 natives are forced to accept the platform’s hegemony while their identity autonomy once again falls into jeopardy.

Thus, it contradicts the spirit of Web3, which advocates for “code is law” and decentralized governance. As a result, reinventing the way identity verification works, on the one hand, and creating a unified, native Web3 identity systems, on the other hand, have emerged as urgent priorities.

3. Data Value: Coexistence of Primitive and Extensive

In the digital landscape that spans e-commerce, social media, and finance, a plethora of applications are always on the lookout for user data. This data is crucial for them to understand their users better, tailor their marketing efforts, and fuel their business strategies. However, in the realm of Web3, the user data controlled by platforms is often primitive and extensive, lacking in labeled and structured processing.

In the decentralized sphere, user data exists as discrete, encrypted entries — hash values spread across various blockchains. It’s like trying to make sense of a pile of scattered sand grains; beyond the basic wallet addresses and transaction histories, it becomes a complex task to piece together a clear picture of the living, breathing individual behind these digital fragments.

This fragmented data environment falls short of fulfilling the tailored requirements of application providers and also fails to deliver real advantages to users. Without a swift mechanism to harness and unlock the intrinsic value of on-chain data, the Web3 data ecosystem risks remaining underdeveloped and unproductive.

Clearly, data sovereignty represents more than just users’ control over their information; it also involves optimizing the value derived from on-chain data. In the midst of widespread “identity fragmentation,” the moment has arrived to rally a response and reverse the tide.

Ⅱ A One-Stop Web3 Identity Aggregator

In the face of this chaos of identity fragmentation, Match ID has stepped onto the scene. Positioned as a comprehensive Web3 identity aggregator, its goal is to forge a fresh, Web3-native identity that encapsulates the full spectrum of user activities across multiple blockchains. This identity is envisioned to be robust, comprehensive, and reliable, setting the stage for smooth interaction across various major Web3 ecosystems.

  1. DID Standard: The Bridge of Cross-Chain Identity

To achieve identity aggregation, a unified identity protocol is needed first. Match ID has chosen the W3C’s DID (Decentralized Identifiers) standard. DID generates a decentralized identifier for each user, which can be resolved globally, with characteristics such as self-sovereignty, privacy security, and portability.

Leveraging the DID framework, Match ID crafts unique Web3 identity credentials for users. No matter which blockchain or platform you originate from, by presenting Match ID’s identity credentials, you gain the freedom to traverse every part of the Web3 realm. It eliminates the need to repeatedly establish one’s identity on different platforms, thereby streamlining the user experience across the Web3 ecosystem.

2. Multi-Chain Data: Fragments of Identity Puzzle

The contents need to be pieced together with an identity protocol in place. Match ID’s ambition is to create a pixelated picture of an NFT counterpart for every Web3 native. Each color block corresponds to a piece of data on the chain. When fragmented data is embedded one by one, a vivid digital avatar is born.

Assets, transactions, social interactions, games… Match ID will faithfully record every trace you leave on the Web3 world’s chains. Through a series of getters and callback functions, it can automatically synchronize your every move in ecosystems such as EVM, Aptos, Solana, etc., achieving seamless capture of full-chain data.

The raw data gathered are essential elements for assembling the Web3 identity puzzle. Match ID serves as a meticulous sculptor, transforming these dispersed data points into a vivid self-portrait. Your Web3 resume, which once might have been adrift in the vast ocean of blockchain data, will now be distilled into a singular, distinctive digital imprint.

3. Data Labels: CV-Level User Profiles

Match ID is not satisfied with being a mere transport when the on-chain data converges into a river. Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Match ID envisions crafting a “CV-level” holographic profile for each user, providing a multidimensional representation of their Web3 interactions and assets.

Asset distribution charts, DeFi preferences, DAO participation levels, credit scores… based on intelligent tags and machine learning, Match ID will weave your on-chain behavior into a clear behavioral lineage. Through this graph, we can not only discern your preferences but also trace your growth trajectory.

With such a three-dimensional, real-time updated user profile, dApp developers can tailor exclusive services for you. DeFi platforms can customize personalized financial plans based on your risk preferences; NFT markets can match coveted items based on your collecting preferences; and GameFi projects can unlock exclusive game levels based on your identity level, etc. This will greatly enhance the Web3 user experience.

4. Privacy Protection: A New Paradigm of Data Sovereignty

One of the core principles of Web3 is privacy protection and data sovereignty. The principle dictates that individuals should have complete control over their personal data, be shielded from unrestrained harvesting by platforms, and be safeguarded against breaches by malicious actors. Match ID is dedicated to this mission, striving to set a new standard for data sovereignty where user consent and security are paramount.

Diverging from the often invasive data practices of Web2 platforms, Match ID positions itself as a guardian of your data, not a predator. It operates on the principle of consent, seeking your permission at every step of the data authorization process. As a user, you have the authority to manage your identity data, select who gets access to it, and determine the level of detail you wish to disclose. By utilizing advanced technologies such as zero-knowledge proofs, Match ID ensures that your privacy is not just a consideration but a priority, offering you the ability to verify transactions or interactions without revealing any underlying personal information.

At the same time, data monetization and sharing also respect user preferences. Based on mechanisms similar to “time banking,” users can autonomously license data to third parties, gaining tangible utility or rewards for themselves. Each permission granted is a testament within the sacred realm of user sovereignty.

This is the privacy perspective and data ethics of Match ID. It aims to create a shield of privacy protection for users, capable of resisting the prying eyes of centralized platforms. Its mission is to remove the vestiges of a bygone era where users had little control over their personal information. By empowering users to truly own and control their data, Match ID embodies the core values of Web3, where user sovereignty and privacy are not just ideals but practical realities.

Ⅲ Reconstructing Web3 Identity Infrastructure

Match ID is not just an on-chain identity or a cross-chain data protocol. Its goal is to reconstruct the identity infrastructure of the Web3 world, building a self-evolving identity economy ecosystem.

  1. Super ID Passport: Passport for Dimension Reduction

To fulfill this vision, Match ID must invest deeply in developing Web3 infrastructure. Internally, this requires breaking down the silos within the blockchain ecosystem to pave the way for seamless identity interoperability. Externally, it involves drawing in an increasing number of Web2 platforms to establish a more extensive network of users and traffic. Through these efforts, Match ID’s ambition to lead the industry is clear — it’s not just about participating in the market but shaping it and setting the standards for how identities are managed in the Web3 era.

For users, Match ID has launched a “Super ID Passport,” integrating multiple identity authentications such as wallets and Web authentication, allowing seamless access across the entire network. With it, even novice users can easily pass through identity checkpoints and step into the exciting world of Web3.

For developers, Match ID also extends an olive branch. Any DApp can easily integrate with Match ID, eliminating cumbersome identity authentication and directly opening the door to Web3 services for users. This is tantamount to a dimensionality reduction strike, significantly reducing user acquisition and development costs.

2. Match Graph: The ‘Blockchain’ of User Behavior

Having a super passport is not enough; it also needs dazzling content. Therefore, Match has launched a set of Match Graph protocols. It directly targets Meta’s social graph, aiming to distill a Web3 social network from on-chain data.

An address frequently intersecting with a group of NFT collectors may belong to the same DAO; an address always leaving traces on GameFi platforms is likely a seasoned player; an address participating in liquidity mining with you may have forged an inseparable bond with you in DeFi.

Within the transformative forge of Match Graph, seemingly disparate data fragments coalesce into compelling narratives. Each narrative paints a rich tapestry of individual users, each leaving their unique mark on the blockchain. As these individuals interact, their connections weave a tapestry of relationships, forming a dynamic and interconnected network that comes to life within the ledger.

As the “Facebook” of the Web3 world, Match Graph not only allows users to see another side of themselves in the blockchain world but also allows DApps to see a more real and three-dimensional version of themselves. Isn’t this the prototype of building a native Web3 social graph?

3. Open Ecosystem: Prerequisite for Data Circulation

When the infrastructure is complete, Match ID also needs to inject a continuous stream of nutrients into it. This depends on an open and inclusive ecosystem. Match ID is not about cutting off data flows but about letting them circulate in a broader and more efficient space.

It provides developers with a series of open APIs and SDKs, allowing them to easily access on-chain data with user permission. This will open up the main channels of Web3 data circulation. Developers can use this to understand users, iterate products, and co-build a new ecosystem of Web3 applications.

For traditional internet giants, this is also a transformational opportunity. They can leverage their accumulated credibility and technological expertise on the user side to build a bridge to Web3 for users. For example, helping users import Web2 identities and digital footprints into the blockchain and transform them into trusted on-chain credentials. Giants will evolve from identity ‘controllers’ to ‘empowerers,’ experiencing a new lease of life in the Web3 era.

In return, Match ID will also share its analytical capabilities based on on-chain data with platform partners. With access to vast and granular on-chain data, it can provide sharp and insightful insights for business decision-making. This will rejuvenate platforms and even the entire industry.

The ultimate goal of Match ID is to foster an identity economy ecosystem where everyone benefits. Users enjoy sovereignty over their digital identities, platforms receive a boost in growth through insightful data, and developers are inspired to innovate. This vision brings us closer to the ideal state of Web3, where data is active and where innovation thrives, transforming the promise of a decentralized web into reality.




The decentralized and scalable AI chain securing identity and data sovereignty