MatchChain Attends MXT Conference and Explores the Future of Music, Technology and Creativity

Match Chain
3 min readJan 23, 2023

MatchChain was live at the just concluded MXT Conference on January 18th, 2023. The event brought together founders, startups, investors, and creatives in the music and creative tech industries for a day of keynote sessions, thought-provoking discussions, and networking opportunities.

The MXT Conference program was designed to inspire and connect industry leaders in music and tech, with a focus on exploring the future of technology, creativity, and music. The conference featured a free public program, open to anyone, that included keynote sessions and panel discussions. In addition, the program included exclusive sessions for invited attendees and curated “Invite Only” sessions for select participants.

One of the most exciting aspects of the conference was the discussion on the theme of “Can Web3.0 monetize for creators?” Experts in the field, including a member of the MatchChain team, discussed the potential of decentralized advertising networks and crypto tokens as currency, as well as the emergence of NFTs and the future promise of Web3 technology.

Compared to web2, web3 brings several benefits for creators. One major advantage is the ability to express themselves freely without fear of platform restrictions. Traditional centralized platforms often have strict guidelines and policies that creators must abide by in order to have their content published. However, with web3, creators can use decentralized platforms that provide more autonomy and freedom of expression.

Another benefit of web3 for creators is the ability to earn revenue from a more diverse range of streams. In web2, creators often rely on a single source of income, such as advertising revenue or subscription fees. However, with web3, creators can use crypto tokens and decentralized marketplaces to monetize their content in various ways. For example, creators can use token incentives to reward fans for engaging with their content or use non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to sell unique digital assets like music, art, or videos. This allows creators to take ownership of their content rather than relying on centralized platforms to monetize it for them.

Additionally, with the help of web3, the content ecosystem will be more prosperous. Greater protection for creators’ rights will encourage more people to participate in the creation of new ideas, resulting in a greater number of creative works. This will benefit not only the creators but also society in general.

On Match public chain, we are dedicated to creating technological infrastructures compatible with existing mainstream public chains, allowing users to easily integrate into web3 and quickly connect with the ecology of various chains. Additionally, Match is actively innovating in areas such as interoperability, DID, and ZKP, further improving the efficiency of using public chains.

As a company, we are dedicated to exploring the intersection of real-world use cases and Blockchain technology. Also, we enjoyed participating in the MXT Conference as the event provided a valuable platform for sharing insights and connecting with industry leaders. As such, we would like to extend our gratitude to the MXT team for organizing such a successful event and providing opportunities for growth and collaboration. Finally, we look forward to continuing to push the future boundaries of technology.

For more information on the Match chain, what we do and how to connect with us, visit:

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Author: Victoria Abiodun — Marketing & PR manager @ MatchChain



Match Chain

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