Mavro & Sergey Mavrodi

2 min readJan 3, 2018


MAVRO since its inception about 3 decades ago has been able to become a household name in many countries across the globe, as a result of its revolutionary idea which seeks to unlock the humanity deep down in us all. MAVRO is not your conventional business idea, as unlike most its emphasis is not on the just money from the onset, but on the addition of value members can undertake for one another.

That’s not to say you don’t make money while being helpful, as MAVRO is among the highest yielding investments around the world where a user is guaranteed a minimum 30 percent growth on their investment every month!

The visionary mind behind the MAVRO scheme is known as Sergey Mavrodi, a Russian national who in the year 1989 along with his brother Vyacheslav Mavrodi, and another partner Olga Melnikova brainstormed and came up with this idea that showed humanity its true potential when it comes to looking out for one another.

What makes MAVRO an unorthodox business is the fact that it never stores any amounts deposited by its participants in any central account, rather each invested amount get immediately divested to other members whose hour of need has arrived at the time. Sergey Mavrodi has been tagged a visionary and an unparalleled business mind. But despite all the limelight and success his invention has experienced in many countries since it came online, Mavrodi has remained solid on the ideals on which it was created, while constantly resisting the call to monetize the venture for his own gain.

Tens of thousands have since embraced MAVRO and benefited, it was widely accepted from its inception that at one time the Russian authorities feared it will destabilize the established banking sector in the country, which even led to the arrest of Mavrodi in 1994.Since then sections of the online community have often described the new marketing campaign as being a pyramid or Ponzi scheme, but this has not shown any actual effect as users from India, to China and a host of other countries keep on investing in what they see as a once in a lifetime opportunity they cannot afford to pass up. Mavrodi is mostly media shy but his creation has continued to grab headlines across the globe as people are captivated with the eye watering rewards that could come completely gratis by participating in the program

