Interview with Mrs. Kacy Bell

Tell us a little a bit about yourself.

Macon County R-IV
5 min readJan 5, 2018


Kacy Bell (KB): I grew up on a farm near Paris, Missouri. After high school, I went to Northwest Missouri State University (Go Bearcats!) and left there with two degrees in education and an amazing husband (Ben made me add that-ha!). I later went on to obtain an Elementary Administration degree from William Woods University. Currently Ben and I reside in Bucklin with our four daughters: Emma, Laina, Makenna and Maleah. In my spare time, I love to travel, spend time at the Lake of the Ozarks, and go to sporting events of all kinds!

Please describe your roles here at Macon County R-IV.

KB: Currently I teach 5th & 6th grade Language Arts & Social Studies. I also serve as Special Education Coordinator and NHS advisor.

What is your favorite thing about working at Macon County R-IV

KB:The camaraderie and climate are probably my favorite things about working here. It is a great place to work. I feel like we all not only support each other, but use our strengths to build off of each other. We may not always agree on everything, but we find a way to work through things to do what is best for our students. {The students also make it a pretty special place to work.}

Describe one of your favorite memories of working here.

KB: I have a lot of great memories from working here the past 14 years. Memories like supervising the all-night after prom parties, attending National FFA convention, and staying overnight for a MAP Lock-in; however, my favorite memory that stands out is probably the “Help Us Help a Veteran” campaign that we did last year. It was amazing to see the community rally behind a group of 6th graders to support our Veterans.

What are you most proud of in your life?

KB: My answer has to be my family. I could go on and on about how special they are and how thankful I am for them I am, but I won’t. I will just say, that my husband and kids have made my life such an entertaining adventure and I am proud to be on this journey with them.

If there was only one thing you could eat for the rest of your life…what would it be?

KB: That’s a toss-up between Arby’s Beef ‘n Cheddar sandwiches smothered with Arby’s sauce and Panera’s cinnamon crunch bagels covered with cream cheese!

If you could meet one person (dead or alive) who would it be and what would you want to say to them?

KB: I think it would have to be Simone Biles. I love seeing people who overcome challenging childhoods to go on and achieve big dreams. She was so fun to watch in the Olympics and I think her positive and joyous personality would be a lot of fun to talk to.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be and why?

KB: 1. My Bible: I love the fact that, I can go to my Bible to find guidance. I continually mess up and so to have that source of wisdom to lean on is a huge comfort. My Bible also has notes, mementos, and pictures tucked away marking favorite scriptures which make it extra special to me!

2.My family: Not sure if they technically count as a possession, but my family literally means the world to me and I can’t imagine not having them with me so I will stretch my answer a bit to include them in my list!

3. My music playlist: I love music — all kinds. Everything from old hymns, country, christian rock, to rap. Most of the songs on my playlist have a memory or story behind them. There is something about jamming loudly to some of my favorites; however, I can’t carry a tune, so I definitely need the music playing to drown out my voice.

4. All of my pictures: I inherited my Grandma Betty’s love of taking pictures and enjoy looking through old pictures and reminiscing memories.

5. My wedding ring: Although I don’t always wear my wedding ring, I love that it represents mine and Ben’s story: all the triumphs, struggles, vacations, challenges, joys, and memories from the past and those to come.

Lastly, what does a perfect day look to you?

KB: Right now, in this season of my life, the perfect day is a day where I have no schedule, no plans-just relaxing with my husband and girls! (preferably on a Disney Cruise ship in the middle of an ocean with no electronics, no distractions, and an unlimited supply of ice cream.)



Macon County R-IV

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