“The Interstellar Tango: Elon Musk Dances Around Starlink IPO Speculations”

$MEPEPE- we are strong together
2 min readJun 25, 2023


-MidJourney Bot

Once upon a time, on an ordinary Friday, a daring pioneer of space, Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, found himself delicately sidestepping questions about the potential future of his ambitious satellite venture, Starlink.

“Mum’s the word,” he might as well have said during a SpaceX press conference on June 24th, 2023. Why? Well, in the studded arena of public companies, speculative commentary about potential IPOs isn’t just frowned upon — it’s illegal.

As with every epic tale, there’s history here. Starlink, a SpaceX subsidiary, aspires to blanket the globe with broadband connectivity via a constellation of thousands of small satellites. The grand mission? To connect the unconnected, reaching every nook and cranny of our world. But the jewel in this story, the much-anticipated Starlink IPO, remains a question shrouded in the mists of time and regulation.

From this obscurity, Musk emerged, valiant as ever, albeit non-committal, stating, “It would not be legal for me to speculate on Starlink’s future public offering.” Wise words, indeed, considering the SEC’s hawkish vigilance and a history of prior tussles.

“But wait,” you might say, “didn’t Musk hint at the possibility of a Starlink IPO in 2020?” True enough, our intrepid explorer did float the idea, stating that he might spin out Starlink for an IPO when its cash flow became more predictable. Yet, time has passed, the stars have shifted, and the mysteries of the market remain undisclosed.

Will Starlink embark on its own independent odyssey in the public market? Will this band of satellites become the celestial knights of global internet connectivity? The answers remain as elusive as a shooting star. For now, Musk, our enigmatic guide, continues to steer his ship of dreams, always reaching for the stars yet mindful of the rules of the game.

In the realm of the unknown, one thing is certain: When the future of Starlink is written in the stars, you’ll want a front-row seat.



$MEPEPE- we are strong together

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