1 min readJun 8, 2020


He’s not the first black president and never will be.

He is the exact 50/50. Stop being racist and upholding the one drop crap. He’s not half a person. His white mother carried him for 9 months. White people are not pure. He is allowed to claim is white ancestry and every time you insists he’s just black, you promote the idea that nonwhite ancestry is tainted.

MIXED IS NOT A BAD WORD! Biracial, multiracial, mixed-race.

The KKK and Nazis were so successful. They have you and so many others reinforcing white purity. Dont’t whine about racism when you constantly promote it.




Speaking on criminology and dark tetrad traits, what it is to be unapologetically mixed-race, human phenotypical variation, CPTSD, relationships and more.