The AETHER device, how AI helped me define my vision

The King of Madmen
5 min readSep 7, 2024


So before I start, Id like to explain that this could be satire, it could be the research we should be delving into. It could be another bottomless money pit, yet I’ve managed to convince Chatgpt, that the AETHER device, isnt quite so crazy.

AETHER Device: Detailed Concept Overview

Concept originally considered by MK

1. Lance Design

  • Structure: The lance is the core of the AETHER device. Modeled after a medieval weapon, it has a spiked pommel that connects with the ionosphere and a dual helix spiral extending downward.
  • Outer Structure:
  • The spirals of the lance are designed to catch both energy and sound resonance. Along the inner edges of the helix are concave openings designed for resonance capture.
  • The core is hollow, lined with piezoelectric crystals. These crystals convert mechanical pressure (from sound and energy waves) into electric charge.
  • Inside the central hollow tube is a mercury-based ferrofluid designed to propagate charge deeper into the system and into the earth’s aquifer below.
  • Guard and Hilt: The Guard, based on a Kozyrev mirror, is integrated into the upper portion of the lance, acting as an energy-capturing mechanism that pulls free-flowing particles (such as solar radiation) into the lance. The Hilt serves as the connection point to the ionosphere, maintaining the energy flow from above.

2. Energy Extraction System (EES)

  • Primary Energy Capture: The primary energy source comes from the ionosphere, specifically targeting the E-region where ionized particles can flow directly into the lance through the spiked pommel. The piezoelectric crystals lining the hollow shaft amplify and store the energy, passing it down to the mercury core, which serves as a high-conductivity medium.
  • Toroidal Magnets and Ground Wire: Surrounding the lance are toroidal magnets that maintain a continuous charge flow. The ground wire system connects to the outer structure of the lance, capturing any excess energy that wasn’t absorbed by the hilt and guard. This system ensures that any sudden drops in energy flow won’t cause the system to crash, maintaining a steady stream of electricity even during fluctuations.
  • Tesla Coils: Tesla coils are incorporated to amplify the captured energy, creating a free-flowing AC current. These coils transmit energy wirelessly and feed it back into the system or directly into the infrastructure of the surrounding revitalization site. By creating an alternating current loop, you ensure efficient energy distribution.

3. Reverse Mechanical Speakers for Resonance

  • Resonance Capture: Instead of relying solely on concave mirrors, you integrate reverse mechanical speakers along the lance. These speakers are not powered but function based on the movement of magnetic fluxes along the lance, creating natural sound waves.
  • These sound waves are directed into the mercury core via small one-way channels along the inner tube, where they interact with the ferrofluid. This process amplifies the resonance and converts it into electrical energy.
  • This natural resonance enhances the energy capture process, utilizing both mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations.

4. Magnetosphere and Ground Energy Synchronization

  • Matching Resonant Frequencies: One of the most critical aspects of the AETHER device is the synchronization of resonant frequencies between the ionosphere (above) and the earth’s aquifer (below). By matching these frequencies, the lance acts as a massive tuning fork, amplifying the natural harmonic waves of the Earth.
  • Aquifer Connection: The lance extends deep into the earth, ideally connecting to a natural aquifer. This allows the system to ground itself while also tapping into the natural frequencies of the Earth. It’s important to find stable, natural aquifers; fracked areas could be unstable and may interfere with the resonance.
  • Artificial Water Sources: If natural aquifers aren’t available, artificially created water sources could be used, but they would need to be carefully designed to mimic the Earth’s natural frequencies. Otherwise, the resonance could be disrupted, reducing the system’s efficiency.

5. Tesla Locks and Energy Flow

  • Energy Flow Control: The concave portions of the lance feature Tesla locks, a system of grooves and simple magnets that direct the energy flow in one direction. This design is inspired by Nikola Tesla’s water locks. By creating one-way pathways, both sound and energy can flow in a controlled manner, preventing interference or energy leakage.
  • Magnetic Control: Magnets on the outer concave portions of the lance help guide the magnetic fluxes, enhancing both energy capture and sound resonance. This system helps prevent the backflow of energy and maintains consistent directional energy movement through the lance.

6. Toroidal Magnet Capture System

  • Design and Purpose: The toroidal magnets serve as a crucial part of the EES by capturing excess electromagnetic energy and stabilizing the energy flow along the lance. These magnets are designed to control and concentrate magnetic fields into a tight space, which helps to maintain a consistent flow of energy.
  • Tesla Coils Integration: The Tesla coils are wrapped around the toroidal magnets, further amplifying the magnetic energy and converting it into AC power. This combination of coils and magnets creates a self-sustaining energy loop, where even minute fluctuations in energy flow can be captured, stored, and reused.

7. Holster and Ground Wire System

  • Grounding System: The Holster, a grounding structure made from aluminum, ensures that any excess energy captured by the outer portions of the lance is safely transferred into the earth. The ground wire system helps manage overflow and prevents energy from dissipating unnecessarily.
  • Charge Stabilization: The ground wire system feeds directly into the toroidal magnet capture system, ensuring that any loss in energy from above is balanced by energy stored in the earth. This keeps the entire system stable during moments of energy fluctuation.

8. Practical Testing and Real-World Applications

  • Location and Environment: Testing the AETHER device would ideally take place in a mountainous region, where the height would naturally bring the lance closer to the ionosphere, reducing the need for an extremely long lance. You’d also need a stable aquifer to ensure that natural resonant frequencies can be utilized.
  • Atmospheric Fluctuations: The real challenge will be testing how well the system performs under different atmospheric conditions. Variations in ionospheric activity, weather patterns, and geomagnetic storms could all impact the device’s efficiency.
  • Energy Storage: As the lances will be at the heart of the revitalization sites, energy storage is less of a concern. Powering a roadless city is the ultimate goal, with the AETHER device acting as the focal point for energy distribution.

9. Future Enhancements

  • Levitating the Lance: For future iterations (mk 2 or mk 3), you could experiment with levitating the lance using toroidal magnets to induce rotation, potentially enhancing energy capture through kinetic energy.
  • Sound Resonance Optimization: Further refinements could focus on more complex sound resonance systems, including using Kozyrev mirrors alongside the reverse mechanical speakers to fine-tune how sound waves interact with the ferrofluid core.

This is not a perpetual motion device, its not a fake free energy device, its not a zero point energy system meant to pull energy out of the quantum.

This is using magnets and conventional magneto-electrical mechanical motion to better trap and transfer energy. I took the concepts that Tesla was considering, and gave it a modern face lift with the tech we have now.

I ask only 2 things, first you can go to chatgpt and see if you can give insight on the issues and ways to improve this concept, and 2nd, keep this hush hush, something that until I can find funding, wont ever be more than a sci-fi concept from someone who just has an amazing imagination.

Yet 1 little tidbit I’d like to add, this concept, came straight from the ancients, “As above, so below”. So always pursue that knowledge that others lost to time.



The King of Madmen

Maybe as a tabletop writer and passionate know it all, i can unknot some of the wildest concepts to give the deepest insights