These Guys Are Right — They Should Just Be Russian

Malcolm Kaines
11 min readAug 6, 2018
Photo from 8/4/2018; by Jeremy Pelzer (via

For all the outrage these two men and their matching shirts have caused since last weekend, when Cleveland reporter Jeremy Pelzer posted this picture after an Ohio Trump rallythey are not at all wrong to wear them.

To explain why, please indulge me in sharing a personal story.

A true American story

My grandfather recalled, strangely enough, that afternoon in Italy as one of the calmest of his life; he could never quite recapture the idyllic feeling of it.

There he lay, a spindly corn-fed American midwesterner of no special distinction — on a beach in Italy, cheek and belly exposed to the cool sand. It really doesn’t get much better, as these things go, he remembered thinking. He was glad, in a way, to be dying this way.

He had spent the better part of that landing that had become a slaughter — several hours at least — ever-so-slowly turning his head so he could maybe see the wristwatch on his mangled left arm, and so pass the time. Any detectable movement, as he had seen, drew peals of sniper fire from the Germans in the hills above. (Yes, Germans — the Italian army had effectively collapsed by that time, so Hitler had shifted huge numbers of his most battle-hardened soldiers south to defend the land of his old ally, Mussolini, just as the

