8/29/23 Release Notes

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Meghan Murray
2 min readSep 17, 2023

What’s New

Points of Interest

Points of interest from the Overture Maps Foundation have been added to US Housing & Real Estate Essentials and US Points of Interest & Addresses. The POI data covers hundreds of categories ranging from restaurants and parks to commercial brands and hospitals. Each point of interest has a name, location, and category and is uniquely identified by a POI_ID in the point_of_interest_index table. Example use cases include:

  • Listing the nearest competitors to a specific merchant. Get started with the sample query for finding the closest Lowe’s to any given Home Depot in Cybersyn Docs
  • Determining physical locations of a specific brand
  • Finding all healthcare facilities or schools near a given location
  • Identifying target markets with a high concentration of stores to sell into
  • Building or enhancing map applications

Additional updates to the data products above include the:

  • Addition of 7.2M new addresses to the us_addresses table
  • Removal of 49.8M duplicate addresses and deletion of 1.2M addresses with Null STREET value from the us_addresses table
  • Addition of country-level geospatial boundaries to the geography_characteristics table
  • Addition of ADDRESS_ID to the us_addresses table allowing users to join addresses to points of interest

Streamlit Demo Gallery

Launched a demo gallery featuring all Cybersyn Streamlit applications. The demos show art-of-the-possible concepts across our datasets to help users get started exploring Cybersyn data.

Upcoming Releases

  • SEC Institutional Investor Holdings: Adding 13F filings covering quarterly updates on institutional investors’ securities holdings to Cybersyn SEC Filings

In Case You Missed It

