15 Controversial Ideas That Are Changing My Life Right Now (They Could Change Yours)

Oliver | MMMT Wealth
4 min readNov 8, 2023
Photo by Anas on Unsplash

There’s a lot to be said for spending time exploring your own thoughts. I used to just let my mind go, with not much intentional thought to where it was actually going.

Recently, I’ve learnt to slow down. To become curious. To question ideas. It allows me to write clearer, and have a lot more control over my mind.

Over the last 6 months I’ve managed to:

  • Become a chartered accountant (passing all exams first time)
  • Build an X following of just under 1,000
  • Start my Medium journey
  • Make $1,000 extra per month on top of my day job

I realize I’m no Dan Koe, or Sahil Bloom just yet, but I do believe I’m a hell of a lot closer to reaching my goals than I was a few months ago.

So here’s 15 ideas that I now believe to be true (that I didn’t think were true 6 months ago).

  • The default path of university, job, 40 years climbing the ladder, and retirement at 65 is the most common because it’s the most tangible. If we want more people to bet on themselves and walk a path that is more closely aligned with what they want to do, then we (as creators) need to be more transparent about the process. This is something I’m…



Oliver | MMMT Wealth

The 45 year long rat race isn't it. I write about the markets, personal growth and building your business. Visit: https://t.co/61aDPNWAan