What industries are interested in Digmus?

Mikhail Nazaruk
3 min readOct 24, 2017


We had to break our heads over the presentation of this article. On the one hand, all investors who hear about Digmus from us want to know what kind of producers are negotiating the implementation of our system. On the other hand, we are playing a fair game and don’t want to name the brands until they authorize us to place their logo and mention them on our website.

For now, I can tell you with what industries we have communicated and what results we have achieved.

1. Motor oil and auto chemicals producers. They are most of all interested in Digmus. We are now negotiating with three companies operating in this industry.

Summary of our communication: there are a lot of fake oils and measures taken by these companies are not really efficient. It is likely that our MVP will be tailored to auto chemicals producers.

2. Producer of French anti-aging cosmetics.

Summary of our communication: they are interested in Digmus, even though they already have a system for chipping syringes with serum. However, it’s inconvenient: the code is unreadable without a reader connected to the phone. The producer’s representatives are looking for a system with easy scanning that will be consumer-friendly.

3. Russian pharmaceutical company. The major meeting with the Director, Russia & CIS is scheduled for the beginning of November.

Summary of our communication: there is a significant group of expensive medical products that are forged. Digmus tags will be particularly efficient when placed on such kind of drugs.

4. Tobacco producer. We’ve met with the Marketing Director and received positive feedback. Negotiations may resume the beginning of next year.

Summary of our communication: they are interested in counterfeit protection, however, they can’t make a decision on Digmus implementation until the end of the year as they are waiting for the state’s decision on the application of the Unified State Automated Information System (the USAIS) in their industry.

5. Russia’s largest meat producer. It’s too early to make any conclusions. They are interested but still have many questions.

We also had a number of meetings with other producers in different industries. They are not interested in Digmus for different reasons. For example, a beer producer is so “fed up with” the USAIS implementation that they can’t afford to have another system even if it’s more efficient that the national one. The weirdest feedback was given by an apparel brand: “the more counterfeits of our products there are, the better as it raises brand awareness”. Well, nothing to do but wish them good luck with their business :)

WOOD MOOD furniture

We’ve announced the agreement on cooperation with WOODMOOD earlier. So, why WOODMOOD needs Digmus? It’s designer furniture, a young but promising brand. Cooperation with Digmus for this brand is a certain PR activity, a desire to demonstrate the brand’s innovative character and also a way to protect their reputation.

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