MOBU — Undeniably Taking Centre Stage in Mega Opportunities in AFRICA! (Part 1)

3 min readJan 4, 2019


It’s important to note that every year, the size of venture capital investments that take place around the world exceeds $100 billion. Currently, Africa gets less than 1% of this global deal flow.

MOBU plans to become the trusted source of deal flow to Africa and the secure secondary market for global investors.

The new wave of entrepreneurs, including MOBU is primarily interested in the problems that Africa faces. MOBU and the new generation of entrepreneurs are focusing on Africa’s problems because solving these problems will unlock massive streams of wealth, jobs and prosperity for the continent. A lot of these opportunities fall under Impact entrepreneurship — It is the new way of making money and doing good, at the same time.

Crowdfarming has been identified as the Number 1 business opportunity in Africa!

Crowdfarming in Africa?

Crowdfarming is a model where a number of investors from all over the globe share risks and own shares in a farming venture — this connects people with their food again. Investments are made to rural farmers while profits are shared at harvest time!

Across the world, agriculture is big business and most farmers are financially well-off. But not yet in Africa. According to the United Nations, Africa’s agribusiness industry is expected to be worth $1 trillion by 2030. And it makes perfect sense. The continent has a huge domestic market, owns 60% of the world’s unused arable land, and has abundant labour resources, and a favourable climate in most parts.

However, Africa spends over $30 billion on food imports annually!

Crowdfarming could totally transform the face of agribusiness in Africa! This is the industrial revolution that we have all been waiting for!

MOBU Initiative — Crowdfarming using Drone Technology and DLT

Crowdfarming using drone technology is one of MOBU’s Initiatives. MOBU believes that crowdfarming will significantly boost food production, cut down the continent’s food import bill, and make more money for both the investors and the farmers! MOBU will also combine distributed ledger technology so investors can have transparency of their investments and feel protected.

In Nigeria, two crowdfarming platforms — FarmCrowdy and ThriveAgric — enable working-class Nigerians to crowd-sponsor farming projects and earn a share in the returns at harvest time. Distributed ledger technology can be perfectly implemented here to ensure full transparency to investors!

Drone technology forms an integral part of MOBU’s objective for more efficient crowdfarming. Drones are finding some of their most versatile and impactful roles in Africa and are helping with everything from logistics and farmland management, to humanitarian deliveries and conservation support. Drones are able to fly slower and lower than conventional aircraft, making them ideal for collecting high quality aerial material.

In Rwanda, Zipline is a drone delivery start-up that delivers blood and medical supplies to clinics in the country. After successful pilot operations, it is now expanding into neighbouring Tanzania.

Aerobotics is a South African business that uses its drones to provide bird’s eye surveillance for farmers that provides critical information that can boost crop yields by up to 10%.

Final Thoughts

As Africa’s population doubles over the next 30 years, the business opportunities in Africa’s agribusiness space are endless and MOBU wishes to be on the forefront to make a difference.

MOBU uses distributed ledger technology to increase corporate efficiency, cut costs, increase transparency, streamline processes and adopt more automation.

MOBU is the future!

MOBU is based in Pretoria, South Africa








MOBU is a decentralised platform and end-to-end solution for ICOs to launch compliant security tokens on the blockchain.