3 min readMay 3, 2023

10 rarest animals in the world

This is the smallest rhinoceros in the world. Today it can only be found in Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. According to environmentalists, their number is 250–280 individuals. The Sumatran rhinoceros is one of the least studied animals on the planet. Few lives in captivity, does not give offspring. Therefore, this species can be saved only by restoring its natural habitat and stopping poaching.

red wolf

The predator previously inhabited almost the entire territory of the United States. He was severely persecuted by the population for attacks on livestock. In 1967, there were no red wolf left in the wild, and 14 individuals lived in captivity. This subspecies was declared endangered, and active efforts began to save it. Today, all red wolves are descendants of the last 14 predators. In total, there are 280 individuals, 100 of which are released into the wild in the North Carolina area.

river gorilla

The rarest subspecies of gorillas. Today it can only be found in Cameroon and Nigeria (Africa). In total, no more than 300 mammals live in natural conditions. In the limited space of the zoo, river gorillas feel bad, so the only way to prevent the complete extinction of the subspecies is to preserve their natural habitat. For the preservation of river gorillas on the border of Nigeria and Cameroon, a National Park has been created, where 115 animals live.

Asian lion

Beautiful proud cat. At the beginning of the 20th century, these predators almost became extinct. There are only 15 of them left. But the Indian authorities took action, and today 523 Asiatic lions live in the Gir reserve. To increase the population, several pairs of animals were transferred to European zoos. Unfortunately, the animals did not survive acclimatization and died. Today, the Asiatic lion lives exclusively on the territory of the Indian reserve.

Burmese snub-nosed monkey

These amazing animals live only in northern Burma. The view was opened quite recently, in 2010. The name was given for the characteristically upturned nostrils. This is the rarest primate species in the world. Their number does not exceed 300 individuals. Breeding in captivity does not yet give the desired results, so the rare monkey is threatened with extinction within the next 20 years.

northern right whale

This unusual animal plows the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It reaches a length of 20 meters, weighs approximately 100 tons, 40% of which is blubber (whale oil), which is a kind of record among whales. Previously, thousands of right whales swam near the coast. Now, due to hunting, there are no more than three hundred animals left in the whole world. Scientists are making every effort to restore the population, but the number of these marine animals is falling.


A small animal from the order of primates is common in Asia. The uniqueness of the animal is that its eyes are the same size as the brain. Its height is only 10–16 cm, and the hind legs are twice as long as the body. Tarsiers are small predators. They prey not only on insects, but also on lizards, snakes, bats and birds. Their number today does not exceed 400 individuals, which is sad, because in captivity the kids die very quickly.

California condor

Very rare bird, one of the largest. Previously, the condor was found in the United States and Mexico. In 1987, it was last recorded in the wild. At that time, 27 birds of this species were kept in captivity. They were taken under enhanced protection, a program to restore the population was launched. Today, the total number of condors is 405 individuals, including 179 birds released into the wild.

blue macaw parrot

It lives exclusively in the forests of Brazil. In 2000, the last male disappeared in the wild, but the birds breed well in captivity. Although today there are no more than 500 individuals of the species in the world, a partial restoration of the population is planned by 2050.

Rothschild giraffe

A very rare animal. Ecologists note that no more than 500–600 individuals of this subspecies remain on the entire planet. They differ from other giraffes in their special wide patterns on the skin in the form of spots, enclosed by solid white stripes with bends. Also, the Rothschild giraffe is the tallest among its relatives. Its unique difference is the presence of five horns on its head. Two large and noticeable horns are located in the center of the head, a third small horn is in the center of the forehead, and two more small horns are behind the ears.