Incorporating Machines To The Workout Routines For Women At The Gym

2 min readNov 14, 2016

If it is your first day at the gym, the presence or big machines and muscular men is likely to sent fear down your body. You are not different; that is the feeling every beginner goes through as a woman. You should, however, take it as a motivation and step out of your comfort zone and start your weightlifting today. It is important to make use of the machines and establish how they can be incorporated into the workout routines for women at the gym if you had not included them in your initial workout program. If you are working on your own, factor in these key points to ensure the workout routines for women you designed earlier works out for you.

Simplicity; the choice of machine to add to your workout should be straightforward. Most devices are aimed at weight lifting and help you prepare for more advanced programs coming up later. Working with machines will help your body adapt faster, and chances of overworking are minimal and will enable you to track all changes taking place in your body. You will do every set of reps in the correct pattern with minimal straining unlike while using the free weights. You will adapt fast and feel comfortable on your first visit, and you will be motivated.

Focusing on Your Form; for machines to compliment well the workout plans For women at the gym, the focus should be on performing each set correctly rather than doing much lifting. You are doing zero work if you are concentrating on lifting heavy weights wrongly. Even though the machines guide you, you are the primary determinant of its success or failure. If doing the chest press or the shoulder press on the machines and your back is not pressed flat on the back pad or the bench, you are doing it wrong. If you are hyperextending your elbows or knees during the presses, you are doing it wrong that the machine will not notice but you.

The Resting Phase; this phase is important when coming up with the workout routines for women at the gym. You need to rest enough to recover and allow the muscles to relax and expand. Most beginners overlook that aspect and want to work continuously in search of that body they are after. At least alternate the full-body machine weightlifting periods to get at least a full day rest in between. Take even up to two days is your recovery system is slow.

Let the machines motivate you to push yourself to high limits but do it in a progressive manner instead of jumping to the extreme workouts without a solid training base.




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