Tulsi Gabbard Remains a Committed Ally of the LGBT Community as America Celebrates National Coming Out Day

Progressive Pinay
3 min readOct 13, 2017


National Coming Out Day is an opportunity to celebrate brave individuals and their unique stories. As a member of the LGBT community and proud member of Team Tulsi, I’d also like to celebrate one of our allies, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

When Tulsi Gabbard enlisted to serve in the Hawai‘i Army National Guard, she embarked on a life-changing journey that truly magnified her passion and commitment to living aloha in all that she does for the American people.

In 2004, Gabbard volunteered to serve an 18-month deployment to Iraq, where she was assigned to a medical unit and tasked with caring for her fellow soldiers — who became more like brothers and sisters. She witnessed first-hand the brutality of a government that inflicts violence on its own people in the name of so-called morality.

Recognizing that no government should have a say in the matters of our personal lives and freedoms, Tulsi Gabbard has been an ally of the LGBT community for years. From signing the Supreme Court Amicus On Marriage Equality, to supporting the repeal of DOMA in 2013 (the Defense of Marriage Act), to co-sponsoring The Equality Act, which amends the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include “sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation,” Tulsi has been there for us every step of the way.

A touching dissertation written by Tulsi Gabbard reveals an even deeper affirmation of her beliefs on marriage and personal freedom:

“The real meaning of marriage is a bond of love that ties the hearts of two people together. We all know that real marriage has nothing to do with a government-issued license. Why should we — as citizens of the greatest democracy in the world — give politicians, bureaucrats, and judges power over our most intimate loving relationships?”

Similarly, Tulsi Gabbard expands on her support for LGBT issues by co-sponsoring Fair Housing and Credit legislation, as well as advocating for an end to the bullying of LGBT children in our schools. Tulsi has also cosponsored legislation like the Equality for All Resolution, the Respect for Marriage Act, the Healthy Families Act, and the Paycheck Fairness Act.

As an ambassador of the aloha spirit and one who leads by example, Tulsi Gabbard strives to cultivate a movement that is rooted in love, compassion and kindness. As a staunch defender of our personal freedoms, Tulsi Gabbard maintains that no one should live in fear of who they are, or whom they choose to love.

As a member of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus and a long-time LGBT ally, Tulsi Gabbard stands with us on this National Coming Out Day through her commitment to ensuring freedom, equality, and aloha for our LGBT community.



Progressive Pinay

“The true Filipino is a decolonized Filipino.” — Renato Constantino