How iPhones have Change the World in 10 Years

Matt Thames
5 min readNov 16, 2017


Steve Jobs, then Apple’s CEO, holds up the new iPhone that was introduced at Macworld on Jan. 9, 2007 in San Francisco, Calif. David Paul Morris / Getty Images

Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to MacWorld 10 years ago in 2007. Mobile phones and the world has come a long way since then. Whether you are an Android or iPhone user, you can bet that mobile phones have changed your world, and your life significantly in the last 10 years. Since Steve Jobs led the charge with the development of the iPhone; it has drastically changed so many aspects of the world. Most changes have been for the better, depending on where you stand and how much digital mobile technology has influenced your life. Here are 10 ways the iPhone has changed the world in the last 10 years.

  1. The iPhone Put the Internet in Everyone’s Pocket
Voice vs. Data Traffic in Monthly Bytes Image Source Ericsson

The internet component of the mobile phone has had more effect on the world than the phone aspect has. This is evidenced in the steady usage of voice traffic vs the explosion of data traffic which includes apps, photos, and video usage.

2. The iPhone Changed Photography Forever

Digital Photos Taken Worldwide by Device Image Course: KeyPoint Intelligence/InfoTrends

Photography used to be either a hobby or something you did on special occasions. Now, thanks to mobile phones, photography is a part of everyday life and is steadily rising. Of course, the rise of social media platforms has fueled the photography fire because we have someplace to post and share all the photos we take. This year, that number will (85%) will be taken on phones.

3. The iPhone App Store Changed Software Creation and Distribution

Global app revenue for iOS and Google Play. Source: App Annie | Includes revenue from paid downloads and in-app purchases

The growth of apps is astonishing. The Apple App Store launched in 2008 with 500 apps. This year, there are 2.1 million apps in the App Store and 3.4 million apps on Android’s Google Play. The apps have made mobile phones so much more than just phones. Now, our mobile devices are our banks, our entertainment, video games, flashlights, clocks, scanners, cameras, calendars, calculators, computers, music players, security devices, and more. This year’s first quarter saw publisher revenues for downloads and in-app purchases in both the App Store and Google Play reach $10.5 billion. That number doesn’t even include revenue from advertising or mobile commerce which includes among other things, Amazon purchases and Uber rides.

4. The iPhone Changed How People Work

On-demand workers in the U.S. Source: Intuit and Emergent Research | Forecasts begin in 2018

On-demand work was first developed during the dot-boom of the late 1990’s but it really didn’t take off until smartphones with GPS and on-demand apps became available. Now, there are an estimated 4 million on-demand workers in the U.S. That number is expected to double in the next four years.

5. The iPhone Changed Gum Sales

Cumulative change in U.S. gum sales since the iPhone came out. Source: Euromonitor International

Who knew that even something as seemingly inconsequential as chewing gum sales would drastically decline as a result of the iPhone and mobile devices? Most gum sales used to come from the impulse buy racks at supermarket checkout lines. Gum sales have declined by 15% since 2007, which is a direct correlation to the iPhone’s release. The reasoning is simple, consumers are on their phones in the checkout line and no longer captivated by the magazines or enticed by gum and candy lining the checkout areas. Who will figure out how to disrupt the chewing gum market and regain those sales? I bet it will involve an app!

6. The iPhone Changed Media Consumption

Worldwide media consumption. Source: Zenith | Forecasts begin in 2017

When you consider that even “socializing” now involves our smartphones it’s no wonder that people are spending more time than ever consuming media. Time spent on the mobile web encompasses other media activities too, like reading and watching TV, or playing video games.

7. The iPhone Transformed the Advertising Industry

Mobile ad spending is expected to surpass desktop in 2017. Source:

The internet began replacing traditional advertising many years ago, but now mobile advertising will soon be king. Google and Facebook are the big advertising winners and both of these advertising sources are available in desktop and mobile. The latest buzz in the 4th quarter of 2017 is how advertising will keep up with the growing voice usage.

8. The iPhone Drove Apple’s Growth

Apple’s revenue by source, then and now. Source: Apple | Data for fiscal years

Apple’s business has grown exponentially in the last decade. In 2006, Apple’s revenue was $19.3 billion, which yielded a $1.9 billion profit. In its last fiscal year, Apple’s revenue was $215.6 billion with a profit of $45.6 billion. The iPhone was responsible for 63% of Apple’s sales last year, and likely an even bigger chunk of the profits. iPhone sales aren’t slowing down either, the iPhone X was just released with a hefty price tag!

9. The iPhone made Apple the World’s Most Valuable Company

Apple’s market value compared with Exxon and GE. Source: FactSet

It’s hard to imagine, but before the iPhone, Apple was a struggling company. In the 1980’s or even in 2007, who would have thought that Apple would be worth twice as much as Exxon Mobil and even more shocking, 3 times as much as General Electric?

10. The iPhone Led to Android

Cellphones sold by manufacturer. Source: Canaccord Genuity *After Motorola

Although the iPhone started it all, Android devices are less expensive and companies like Samsung have benefitted greatly. Of course, then there are Blackberry and Nokia who didn’t fare as well in the smartphone race. Definitely keep an eye out for Huawei though; their budget devices might just give the big boys a run for their money.

Summary and Takeaways

If there is one clear takeaway, it is that someone should figure out a disruption for the chewing gum market. In all seriousness though, mobile devices and smartphones are only going to continue permeating all areas of our lives. The last 10 years have seen some incredible changes thanks to the pioneer of the iPhone. What will the next 10 years bring? Chances are things will advance in ways we can’t imagine now, just like we couldn’t imagine in 2007 where we would be here in 2017. At Selby Acoustics, we stay on top of the past, present, and future of technology to bring you the best that our industry has to offer.

