10 Important and Useful Mnemonic for Biology Students

MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd.
3 min readJul 26, 2019

Biology is an important and crucial Subject in the medical entrance exams viz., NEET, AIIMS and JIPMER. Biology carries the highest marks and can help medical aspirants excel in their exam if they prepare it well. But the only limitation of Biology is its syllabus, a vast one which requires wider and deeper understanding of many things. Sometimes it becomes really difficult to remember so many terms, definition and details in Biology. Are you too facing this difficulty? We have the solution-MNEMONICS!

Having insight on the common mistakes made by NEET students can help you improve your chances of scoring well in the exam. Read blog 5 Silly Mistakes to avoid in NEET exam.

A mnemonic is the best shortcut technique to instantly recall the large chunk of information with the help of ONE LINER or Phrase. The purpose of mnemonics is to make learning fun and easy. Here in this article we have presented some easy-to-remember mnemonics for Biology that are sure to give your NEET/AIIMS/JIPMER 2020 study a much-needed boost. Let’s roll on!

1. Essential Amino Acids

Any Help In Learning These Little Molecules Proves Truly Valuable

A — Arginine

H — Histidine

I — Isoleucine

L — Leucine

T — Threonine

L — Lysine

M — Methionine

P — Phenylalanine

T — Tryptophan

V — Valine

2. Vitamin Table

Tanya and Riya Now are Professors Because Father Cheered

T — Thiamine (vit. b1)

R — Riboflavin (vit. b2)

N — Niacin (vit. b3)

P — Pyridoxine (vit. b5)

B — Biotin (vit. b7)

F — Folic acid (vit. b10)

C — Cyanocobalamin (vit. b12)

3. Taxonomic Order

Dear King Phillip Come Over For Good Soup

D — Domain

K -Kingdom

P — Phylum

C — Class

O — Order

F — Family

G — Genus

S — Species

4. Human Genetic Disorders

Alka Sick Thi Phenyl Pine Ce

Alka- Alkaptonuria

Sick-Sickle Cell Anaemia



C-Cystic Fibrosis

5. Types of WBC (White Blood Cells)

Never Let Momma Eat Beans

N — Neutrophils (60%)

L — Lymphocytes (30%)

M — Monocytes (6%)

E — Eosinophils (3%)

B — Basophils (1%)

6. Phases of Mitosis

I Prefer Milk and Tea

I — Interphase

P — Prophase

M — Metaphase

T — Telophase

7. Stages of Embryonic Development

Zikes! Martin Is A Big Giant Nerd!

Zikes- Zygote

Martin Is A- Morula

Big- Blastula

Giant- Gastrula

Nerd- Neurla

8. Parts of Male Reproductive System


S — Seminiferous tubule

E — Epididymis

V — Vas deferens

E — Ejaculatory duct

U — Urethra

P — Penis

This list is just a small example of how little creativity can transform even the toughest concepts into the most interesting one-liners or acronyms. Be innovative and create your own mnemonics. It needs not to be perfect, until it serves its purpose.

Four principles of making memorable mnemonics for Biology-

Here are four principle which you can follow to make your own memorable mnemonics-

1. Selection: Select knowledge that lends itself to be turned into mnemonic.

2. Cue: Use the first letters as the ‘raw material’ for cues.

3. Chunk: Create a vivid, memorable phrase that reduces the content to a single chunk.

4. Rehearse: Practise converting the mnemonic to the content to the mnemonic.

So, go on, have fun with your books and make your own list of mnemonics.



MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd.

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